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Waddling on the dark side: ambient light affects attendance behavior of little penguins

The little penguin is the smallest and the only penguin species whose activity on land is strictly nocturnal. Thirteen years of attendance data were used to study the effects of sun, moon, and...

Demographic processes in colonial vulture species

Understanding how density dependence modifies demographic parameters in long-lived vertebrates is a challenge for ecologists. A number of studies have highlighted the importance of habitat...

Analysis of the effects of an extreme climatic event on scrub communities

The effects of an extreme climatic event on shrub species were assessed by analyzing their leaves, roots, seeds and stem.The long-term monitoring of scrub communities allowed to evidence the...

Identificación de regiones genómicas bajo selección en perros domésticos

Identification of the genomic regions under selection during dog domestication is extremely challenging because the demographic fluctuations associated with domestication can produce signals in...

Oceanographic drivers and mistiming processes shape breeding success in a seabird

Understanding the processes driving seabirds' reproductive performance through trophic interactions requires the identification of seasonal pulses in marine productivity. In this study, it was...