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A 130,000 years-old Doñana discovered on the coast of Cadiz

A new study reveals the existence of an ancient coastal plain today located between the towns of Rota, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Chipiona in the province of Cadiz, in southern Spain. The landscape...

Campaña del LAST en el marco de la misión CHIME de la ESA

El LAST participó este verano, junto con otros equipos de Europa y EEUU, en un experimento de toma de datos en campo para garantizar el desarrollo de una nueva misión, CHIME, próximamente en...

Drones and topographic models to identify and analyze Neanderthal footprints on Matalascañas beach

The Laboratory of GIS and Remote Sensing of the Doñana Biological Station conducted drone flights at heights of 10 and 30 meters during low tide before the site disappeared again under the sea and...