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Content with tag human-wildlife conficts .

Brown bear attacks on humans: a worldwide perspective

Negative encounters with brown bears are rare and mainly non-fatal. This is the main finding of this study where the authors investigated more than 600 brown bear attacks on humans in 2000-2015...

Vertebrate roadkill en Andalusia

Although roadkill studies on a large scale are challenging, they can provide valuable information to assess the impact of road traffic on animal populations. Over 22 months, 45 road sections of 10...

The roles of raptors in a changing world

Birds of prey have been, in comparison to other avian groups, an uncommon study model. Nonetheless, they have attracted a strong interest from the point of view of conservation biology because many...

Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of brown bear damage

In Europe every year about 12,000 sheep and goats and 2,000 beehives are claimed lost due to brown bear damage and compensated to farmers. Just a few countries account for the majority of these...
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