Content with tag conservation and evolutionary genetics group .

Comparative phylogeography of forest-dependent vertebrates

Comparative phylogeography of forest-dependent vertebrates

Pleistocene environmental fluctuations had well-characterized impacts on the patterns of within-species divergences and diversity in temperate habitats. Here the impact the Pleistocene had on widely distributed forest vertebrates in a tropical system where the distribution of the habitat was affected by those fluctuations is examined. A comparative phylogeographical analysis of 28 non-migratory, forest-dependent vertebrates was conducted, and compared them to hypothetical phylogenies based on independent geological data and climate models. Results suggest a dynamic history, including recurrent population extinctions and replacements and a strong priority effect for local populations. Evidences indicate that proximity was more important than the presence of palaeorivers for dispersal of forest taxa between landmasses. informacion[at] Leonard et al (2015) Phylogeography of vertebrates on the Sunda Shelf: a multi-species comparison. J Biogeogr DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12465

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Content with tag conservation and evolutionary genetics group .

Comparative phylogeography of forest-dependent vertebrates

Pleistocene environmental fluctuations had well-characterized impacts on the patterns of within-species divergences and diversity in temperate habitats. Here authors examined the impact the...

Integrate genomics into conservation management

The global loss of biodiversity continues at an alarming rate. Genomic approaches have been suggested as a promising tool for conservation practice as scaling up to genome-wide data can improve...