Content with tag egagrópilas .

The educational value of bird pellets

The educational value of bird pellets

The TV Program "Espacio Protegido" (protected area), of Canal Sur Andalusia TV, 20 September 2017, shows us how specialists of the University of Huelva and the Doñana Biological Station EBD-CSIC collect bird pellets to study what small mammals live in a certain area. Bird pellets are remains (bones or hair, for example) of preys that birds like owls are unable to digest. The project has developed a website that facilitates the educational application of this information and allows citizen participation.

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Content with tag egagrópilas .

The educational value of bird pellets

El Programa Espacio Protegido 73 (Canal Sur TV Andalucía) del 20 de septiembre 2017 nos enseña como especialistas de la Universidad de Huelva y la Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC) estudian...