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Strategies shrubby junipers adopt to tolerate drought differ by site

Drought-induced dieback episodes are globally reported among forest ecosystems but they have been understudied in scrublands. Chronically-stressed individuals are supposed to be more vulnerable prior to drought which triggers death. Drought-triggered dieback and mortality events affecting Mediterranean Juniperus phoenicea scrublands were analyzed in two sites with contrasting climate and soil conditions located in Spain. The radial growth patterns of coexisting living and dead junipers,...

The role of immigration in the growth of a population of glossy ibis in Doñana

Immigration and local recruitment play a central role in determining the growth rate of breeding populations. Unravelling these processes in newly-established populations is of great importance to increase understanding of how species change their distributions in response to global change. In this study, these processes were analyzed through the monitoring of a glossy ibis population in Doñana.