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Content with tag mosquito .

El mosquito común, clave en la transmisión de la malaria aviar

Researchers from the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC, the University of Granada and Bioparc Fuengirola has analysed the presence of avian malaria parasites in three species of mosquitoes.
? The Asian tiger mosquito, an invasive species, does not seem to have a critical function in the transmission of this disease.

Fountains and sewers affect the presence of mosquitoes in urban areas

A study from CSIC links water accumulation in the urban sewage system and ornamental fountains to a higher number of mosquitoes in cities.
Results allow understand how these infrastructures affect the population of these insects, which are key to the transmission of several diseases.

¿Qué ocasionó el brote del virus del Nilo en 2020? Una investigadora predoctoral estudia las causas

Sonia Cebrián desarrolla su tesis doctoral en la Estación Biológica de Doñana y estudia los factores ambientales que pueden haber tenido un papel clave en la gestación del brote de virus del Nilo de 2020

The Doñana Biological Station studies the circulation of the West Nile Virus in the Guadalquivir

A project promtoed by PTI Global Health monitors mosquito populations and the presence of virus in real time in several municipalities of Seville

The outbreak of the West Nile Virus registered in 2020 in Seville, Cádiz and Badajoz caused 77 cases of serious illness and 7 deaths.

Mosquitoes are attracted to Plasmodium-infected birds

Parasites can manipulate their hosts to increase their transmission success. Avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium) are thought to alter the cues such as host odour, used by host-seeking mosquitoes. Bird odour is affected by secretions from the uropygial gland and may play a role in modulating vector-host interactions. The hypothesis tested was that mosquitoes are more attracted to the uropygial secretions and/or whole-body odour (headspace) of Plasmodium-infected house sparrows (Passer...
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