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Content with tag wildlife management .

The Biological Station of Doñana developes new molecular tools to measure biodiversity in protected areas

Wildlife conservation has focused primarily on species for the last decades. Recently, popular perception and laws have begun to recognize the central importance of genetic diversity in the conservation of biodiversity. How to incorporate genetic diversity in ongoing monitoring and management of wildlife is still an open question.

Society perceives the presence of Kramer's parrot worse the more common it becomes

The perceptions of the general public regarding invasive alien species (IAS) are important in the prevention of future invasions and the success of management programmes. A novel visual method was used to investigate the perception of a charismatic IAS, the rose-ringed parakeet, across different stakeholders in Seville, Spain. Respondents were asked to select images of 10 bird species they would like to have present in their surroundings, out of 20 available images, including the parakeet and...

Large carnivore damage in Europe: Analysis of compensation and prevention programs

The mitigation of conflicts associated with large carnivore damage to livestock and agriculture is pivotal to their conservation. Current programs to compensate and prevent large carnivore damage in 27 European countries and the factors related to the economic costs of these programs are evaluated here.

Unmanned aircraft systems as a new source of disturbance for wildlife

The use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS; also known as “drones”) for professional and personal-leisure use is increasing enormously. UAS operate at low altitudes (<500 m) and in any terrain, thus they are susceptible to interact with local fauna, generating a new type of anthropogenic disturbance that has not been systematically evaluated. This review address this gap gathering the existent literature about animals’ responses to UAS flights and a pooled analysis of the data was...

Consequences of brown bear viewing tourism: A review

The brown bear is among the most targeted species for ecotourism in North America and Europe. As bear viewing often occurs in sensitive places where bears congregate for mating, rearing young and/or feeding, it is important to evaluate potential positive and negative effects of different viewing practices.
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