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Content with tag culex perexiguus .

La vigilancia del virus West Nile en mosquitos como sistema de alarma para evitar su transmisión a humanos

Un estudio reciente liderado por la Estación Biológica de Doñana ha examinado los factores asociados al brote de Virus del Nilo del verano de 2020 que provocó 77 casos de infección grave y 8 fallecimientos

Central role of the mosquito Cx. perexiguus in the enzootic circulation of West Nile Virus in southern Spain

Mosquito community composition plays a central role in the transmission of zoonotic vector-borne pathogens. In this study it was evaluated how the mosquito community affects the seroprevalence of West Nile virus (WNV) in house sparrows along an urbanisation gradient in an area with the endemic circulation of this virus. 2544 birds and 34.0829 mosquitoes were sampled in 45 localities, analysed in 15 groups, each containing one urban, one rural and one natural area. WNV seroprevalence was...