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Content with tag life-history .

Macroevolutionary shift in the size of amphibian genomes and the role of life history and climate

Genome size varies enormously from one species to another, and amphibians are the group of vertebrates where genome size varies the most. Amphibians are also really old lineages that have been evolving for millions of years, diversifying and adapting to highly contrasting environments, from the warm and humid tropics to cold regions at high latitudes or high elevations. Amphibians have also evolved a frenzy of reproductive modes ranging from the well known case of aquatic tadpoles that...

Vertebrate road-kill patterns in Mediterranean habitats: who, when and where.

Road-kill is the most recognized impact of traffic and an important threat for biodiversity. Nevertheless, most research on this topic deals with particular species or with road features, describing proximate correlates and rarely making inference on the mechanisms. Here it is provided a more general approximation by describing life-history, temporal and spatial factors affecting vertebrate road-kills in Mediterranean landscapes.