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Content with tag species interactions .

Temperature or competence, which has more influence on Mediterranean ant communities?

A scientific team at the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC studied the competitive interactions between several ant communities in three different habitats in Doñana.

Interactions between plants and animals allows species to survive

A study from the EBD-CSIC and the UCA experimentally proves that the way species interact determines the way they coexist
Results indicates that any change introduced in an ecosystem radically alters the behaviour of species in a way that is difficult to predict

Interactions between domestic and wild ungulates

Controlling infections shared by wildlife and livestock requires the understanding and quantification of interspecific interactions between the species involved. This is particularly important in extensive multi-host systems, in which controlled domestic animals interact with uncontrolled, abundant and expanding wild species, such as wild ungulates. The interspecific interactions between wild boar and freeranging cattle were quantified in Mediterranean Spain, along with their spatio-temporal...

Total bee dependence on a single flower species

A new study provides multiple lines of evidence on the total dependence of the solitary bee Flavipanurgus venustus on the flowers of a common Mediterranean scrub (Cistus crispus). This association was consistent across space and time despite the presence of other Cistus species whose flowers are morphologically similar. This finding is remarkable since bee specialization on a single flower species (monolecty) has been a questioned fact.