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Award for Excellence in Prevention of Occupational Risks "Ramón Tobar"

Award for Excellence in Prevention of Occupational Risks "Ramón Tobar"

EBD-CSIC has received the Award for Excellence in Prevention of Occupational Risks "Ramón Tobar" in its tenth edition. The candidacy presented by the EBD is entitled "Organization of the First Conference on the Prevention of Sexual and Labor Harassment". The objective of this conference was multiple: to raise awareness about sexual and labor harassment, to recognize such practices, to learn how to avoid them and what tools are available to fight against them in the workplace. It was held on June 11, 2018, in the conference room of CIC Cartuja, with a live online publication thanks to the collaboration of the University of Seville. Maragrita Paneque Sosa (Delegada del CSIC en Andalucía), Mercedes Ríos Martín (Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer), Belén Zurbano Berenguer (Gender, Economy, Politics and Development Observatory, University Pablo de Olavide), Juan José Blázquez Mayoral (Secretario General Adjunto RRHH del CSIC), Agustín Luque (Director Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales de la University of Sevilla) and Fermín Yébenes (Labour Inspector of Seguridad Social) were the invited speakers at the conference. On the website of the University of Seville, you can see all the interventions of the Conference (

It is the third time that the EBD receives this award (II and IV editions), granted by the Spanish National Research Council CSIC.

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