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22_03_2018, Lina López Ricaurte

22_03_2018, Lina López Ricaurte

Subido por Carlos Ruiz Benavides, 23/03/18 12:24
Drivers influencing the movement ecology of two sympatric kestrels - A comparative study Resumen: The specialists, lesser kestrel, and its close relative, the generalist common kestrel, are two protected raptors breeding in sympatry in southern Spain. In this doctorate thesis project, we want to study the movement ecology of these two falcons in a comparative way. Under the umbrella of individual specialization, we want to study the movement strategies of the two species during commuting flights, energy expenditure, habitat selection and prey selection in three study areas that differ in habitat availability. The main hypothesis is that common kestrels my show individual specialization that will be reflected in their movement strategy while lesser kestrels may be limited by their already highly specialized character.
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Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por Carlos Ruiz Benavides
23/03/18 12:24
Estado: Aprobado
Drivers influencing the movement ecology of two sympatric kestrels - A comparative study Resumen: The specialists, lesser kestrel, and its close relative, the generalist common kestrel, are two protected raptors breeding in sympatry in southern Spain. In this doctorate thesis project, we want to study the movement ecology of these two falcons in a comparative way. Under the umbrella of individual specialization, we want to study the movement strategies of the two species during commuting flights, energy expenditure, habitat selection and prey selection in three study areas that differ in habitat availability. The main hypothesis is that common kestrels my show individual specialization that will be reflected in their movement strategy while lesser kestrels may be limited by their already highly specialized character.
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