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PUBLICATIONS  LIST (until  October 2017):

Original contributions in ‘SCI' scientific journals:


Razgour O, Taggart, J., Manel, S., Juste J.,  Ibáñez, C.,  Rebelo H.,  Alberdi A.,  Jones G., Park K.

An integrated framework to identify wildlife populations under threat from climate change.

Molecular Ecology Resources (2017) ) 00:1-14 https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12694


Mingo-Casas P., Sandonis V., Vázquez-Morón  S.,  Berciano J.M.,  Juste J.,  Echevarría  JE.

Rabies in Spain. A peculiarity in Eurasia.

Annals of Virology and Research  (2017) 3: 1030:


Santos, J., Meyer, C., Ibáñez, C.,  Popa-lisseanu, A., Juste J.

Dispersal and group formation dynamics in a rare and endangered temperate forest bat (Nyctalus lasiopterus, Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)

Ecology and Evolution (2016) 6: 8193–8204. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2330


Ibáñez, C.,  Popa-lisseanu, A.,  Pastor-Beviá, D.,  Garcia-Mudarra JL., Juste J.

Concealed by darkeness: interactions between predatory bats and nocturnally migrating songbirds illuminated by DNA sequencing. 

Molecular Ecology (2016) 25, 5254-5263.


Pozo F.,  Juste J.,  Vázquez-Morón  S., Aznar C., Ibáñez, C.,  Garin I;  Aihartza J.,  Casas I, Tenorio A., Echevarría  JE.

Identification of Novel Betaherpesviruses in Iberian Bats reveals Parallel Evolution.

PLOS ONE  (2016) 11: e0169153. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169153


Bilgin, R, Gürün K, Rebelo h, Puechmaille S, Marac Ö, Presetnik, P,  Benda P, Hulva

P, Ibañez C, Hamidovic D,  Fressel N, Horá?ek I, Karata? A, Karata? A, Allegrini B, Georgiakakis P, Gazaryan S, Nagy Z, Abi-said M, Lu?an R, Bartoni?ka T, Nicolaou H, Scaravelli D, Karapandža B, Uhrin M, Paunovi? M, Juste J.

Circum-Mediterranean Phylogeography of a Bat Coupled with Past Environmental Niche Modelling: A New Paradigm for the Recolonization of Europe? Molecular Phylogenetic and Evolution (2016) 99, 323-336.


López-Wilchis, R. . Flores-Romero M., Guevara-Chumacero, L.M, Serrato-Díaz, A., Díaz  Larrea, J., Salgado/Mejía F.,  Ibáñez, C., Salles, L.O., Juste J.

Evolutionary scenarios associated with the Pteronotus parnelli cryptic species-complex (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae).

Acta Chiropterologica (2016) 18, 91-116.


Razgour O., salicini, i.,ibáñez,c., randi, e., juste, j.

Unravelling the evolutionary history and future prospects of endemic species restricted to former glacial refugia.

Molecular Ecology (2015) 24, 5267-5283.


Taylor, G.,W. Scharlemann, M. Rowcliffe, N. Kümpel, M. Harfoot, J.E. Fa, R.Melisch,E.J. Milner-Gulland, S. Bhagwat, K.A. Abernethy, A.S. Ajonina, L. Albrechtsen, S. Allebone-Webb,E. Brown, D. Brugiere, C. Clark, M. Colell, G. Cowlishaw, D. Crookes, E. De Merode,J. Dupain, T. East, D. Edderai, P. Elkan, D. Gill, E. Greengrass, C. Hodgkinson, O. Ilambu,P. Jeanmart, J. Juste, J.M. Linder, D.W. Macdonald, A.J. Noss, P.U. Okorie, V.J.J. Okouyi,S. Pailler, J.R. Poulsen, M. Riddell ac, J. Schleicher ac,ad, B. Schulte-Herbrüggen, M. Starkey,N. van Vliet, C. Whitham, A.S. Willcox, D.S. Wilkie, J.H. Wright, L.M. Coad.

Synthesising bushmeat research effort in West and Central Africa: A new regional database.

Biological Conservation (2015) 181 199–205.


Pastor-Beviá, D.,  Ibáñez, C., Garcia-Mudarra JL., Juste J.

A molecular approach to the study of avian DNA in bat faeces.

Acta Chiropterologica (2014) 16, 451-460.


Razgour O., Rebelo, H. Puechmaille S.,  Juste, J.,  Ibáñez C., Kiefer, A., Burke T., Dawson D. Jones G.

Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population fragmentation in the grey long-eared bat, Plecotus austriacus.

Diversity and Distribution (2014) 20, 1173-1185.


Puechmaille, S J.; Allegrini, Benjamin; Benda, P,  Gürün K., Šramek  J. ,  Ibáñez C.,  Juste J., & Bilgin R.

A new species of the Miniopterus schreibersii species complex (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from the Maghreb Region, North Africa.

Zootaxa (2014) 3794, 108-124.


Santos H, Juste, J.Ibáñez C,  Palmeirim JM, Godinho R,  Alves P, Costa H, de Paz O, Pérez-Suarez G, Martínez-Alos S, Jones G, Rebelo H.

Influences of ecology and biogeography on shaping the distributions of cryptic species: three bat tales in Iberia

Biological Journal of the Linnean Soc. (2014) 112 150-162.


García-Pérez R,  Ibáñez C., Godínez  JM.,  Aréchiga  N., Garin I., Pérez-Suárez G., de Paz O., Juste J., Echevarría JE.,  G. Bravo I.

Novel papillomaviruses in free ranging Iberian bats: no virus host co-evolution, no strict host specificity and hints for recombination.

Genome Biology and Evolution (2014) 6 94-104.


Seixas  F., Juste J., Campos P, Carneiro  M.,  Ferrand N., Alves P., Melo-Ferreira J.,

Colonization history of Majorca Island by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) inferred from molecular variation.

Biological Journal of the Linnean Soc. (2014) 111 748-760.


Razgour O., Juste, J., Ibáñez C., Kiefer, A., Rebelo H., Puechmaille S., Arlettaz R., Burke T., Dawson D., Beaumont M.,Jones G.

The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change.

Ecology Letters (2013) 16: 1258–1266


Dool, S. E., Puechmaille, S. J., Dietz, C., Juste, J., Ibáñez, C., Hulva, P., Roué, S., Petit, E., Jones G., Russo  D.,  Toffoli, Rm, Viglino, Am, Martinoli  A., Rossiter  s.,  & Teeling, E. C.

Phylogeography and postglacial recolonization of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers.

Molecular Ecology, (2013). 22 (15), 4055-4070.


Ceballos, N. A., Morón, S. V., Berciano, J. M., Nicolás, O., López, C. A., Juste, J., Rodriguez-Nevado, C., Aguilar, A. & Echevarría, J. E.

Novel Lyssavirus in Bat, Spain.

Emerging Infectious Diseases, (2013) 19(5), 793.


Aznar C., Vazquez-Moron S., Martson D., Juste J., Ibáñez C., Berciano JM.,  Salsamendi E., Aihartza J., Banyard AC.,  McElhinney L.,  Fooks AR.,  and Echevarria JE.

Detection of Rhabdovirus viral RNA in oropharyngeal swabs and ectoparasites of Spanish bats.

Journal of General Virology (2013) 94 69-75.


Juste J, Benda P, Garcia-Mudarra JL, Ibáñez C

Phylogeny and Systematics of Old World serotine bats (Genus Eptesicus, Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera): an integrative approach. 

Zoologica Scripta (2013) 42, 441–457.


Salicini  I.., Ibáñez C. Juste J

Deep differentiation between and within Mediterranean glacial refugia in a flying mammal, the Myotis nattereri bat complex. 

Journal of Biogeography (2013). 40, 1182–1193.


Guevara-Chumacero, L.M,  López-Wilchis, R. Juste J., Ibáñez, C. And Barriga-Sosa, I. 

Conservation units of Pteronotus davyi (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) in Mexico based on phylogeographical analysis.

Acta Chiropterologica (2013) 15, 353-363.


López-Wilchis, R. . Guevara-Chumacero, L.M  Ángeles Pérez, N., Juste J., Ibáñez, C. And Barriga-Sosa, I. 

Taxonomic status assessment of the Mexican populations of Funnel-eared bats, genus Natalus (Chiroptera: Natalidae).

Acta Chiropterologica (2012) 14, 305-316.


Genovart, M., Oro, D.,  Juste, J.,  Contreras, H. 

Natural hybridisation between the critically endangered Balearic shearwater and its sibling species the Yelkouan shearwater.

Journal of Heredity (2012) 103, 330–341


G. Popa-Lisseanu, A. Sörgel,  K. Luckne r A.,. Wassenaar L., Ibáñez C, Stephanie Kramer-Schadt, S.Ciechanowski, M. Görföl T, Niermann I, Beuneux  G, Mys?ajek R, Juste J, Fonderflick  J, Detlev Kelm  D,  Voigt, C.

A triple –isotopes approach to predict the breeding origins of European bats.

PLoS ONE (2012) 7 (1) 1-9.


Falcon A, Vázquez-Morón S.,Casas I, Aznar C.,; Ruiz G., Pozo F.Pérez-Breña P., Juste J., Ibáñez, C., Garin I., Aihartza J., Echevarría  JE.

Detection of alpha and betacoronaviruses in multiple iberian bat species

Archives in Virology (2011) 156: 1883-1890.


Negredo A, Palacios G.,Vazquez-Moro S, Gonzalez F., Dopazo H., Molero F., Juste J., Quetglas J, Savji N, Martinez M, Herrera J, Pizarro M, Hutchison S, Echevarr?a JE, Lipkin W.,Tenorio A.

Discovery of an Ebolavirus-Like Filovirus in Europe

PLOS Pathogens (2011) 7 (10).


Salicini  I.., Ibáñez C. Juste J

Multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation within the Natterer's bat species complex in the Western Palearctic

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution  (2011) 61: 888-898.


Mora E., Ibáñez C Macias S.,  Juste J, López I., Torres L.,

Plasticity in the echolocation inventory of Mormopterus minutus (Chiroptera, Molossidae).

Acta Chiropterologica (2011) 13: 179-187.


Vázquez-Morón S, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Barciano  JM.,  Echevarría J E

Phylogeny of European Bat Lyssavirus type I in Eptesicus isabellinus, Spain.

Emerging Infectious Diseases (2011) 17: 520-523


Papadatou  E.,  Ibáñez C., Pradel R., Juste J.,  Gimenez O.,

Assesing survival in a multi-population system: a case study on bat populations.

Oecologia (2011) 165: 925-933:


Igea  J.,  Juste J.,   Castresana  J.

Novel intron markers to study the phylogeny of closely related mammalian species

BMC Evolutionary Biology (2010) 10: 369.


Guevara-chumacero, L.; Lopez-wilchis, R.; Flores Pedroche F.;  Juste, J.; Ibáñez C.; Barriga-Sosa I.

Molecular Phylogeography of Pteronotus davyi (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) in México.

Journal of Mammalogy (2010). 91:220-232


Juste J, Bilgin R, Muñoz J, Ibáñez C

mtDNA signatures at different spatial scales: from the effects of the Strait of Gibraltar to population structure in the meridional serotine bat (Eptesicus isabellinus).

Heredity (2009) 103: 178-187.


Gonzalez, E.; Genovart, M.; Oro, D.; Zardoya, R.; Juste J.

Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the critically endangered Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae).

Molecular Ecology Resources (2009) 9: 1044-1046.


García-Mudarra JL, Ibáñez C, Juste J

The Straits of Gibraltar: barrier or bridge to ibero-moroccan bat diversity?

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society  Reino Unido (2009) 96: 434-450.


Ibáñez C, Guillén A, Agirre-Mendi  PT, Juste J, Schreur G, Cordero AI, Popa-Lisseanu AG.

Sexual segregation in Iberian noctule bats

Journal of Mammalogy (2009) 90: 235-243.


Vázquez-Morón S, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Ruiz-Villamor E, Avellón A, Vera M, Echevarría J E

Endemic circulation of European Bat Lyssavirus Type 1 in serotine bats, Spain.

Emerging Infectious Diseases (2008) 14: 1263-1266


Juste J.  Ferrández A., Fa JE, Masefield W., Ibáñez C.

Taxonomy of little bent-winged bats (Miniopterus, Miniopteridae) from the african islands of SãoTomé, Grand Comoro and Madagascar, based on mtDNA

Acta Chiropterologica (2007) 9: 27-37


Genovart,M,  Oro, D.,  Juste J. & G. Bertorelle

What genetics tell us about the conservation of the critically endangered Balearic Shearwater?

Biological Conservation (2007) 137: 283-293


Ibáñez C, García-Mudarra JL, Ruedi M, Stadelman B, Juste J.

The Iberian contribution to cryptic diversity in European bats

Acta Chiropterologica (2006) 8: 277–297,


Bogdanowicz, W., Juste, J., Owen, R.D., Sztencel, A.

Geometric morphometrics and cladistics: testing evolutionary relationships in mega- and microbats.

Acta Chiropterologica (2005) 7:39-49.


Genovart,M,  Juste J.,  Oro, D

Two sibling species sympatrically breeding: a new conservation concern for the critically endangered Balearic shearwater

Conservation Genetics (2005) 6: 601-606.


J.A. Donázar, L. Gangoso, M. G. Forero, J. Juste

Presence, richness and extinction of birds of prey in the Mediterranean and Macaronesian Islands

Journal of Biogeography (2005)  32, 1701–1713.


Pablo T. Agirre-Mendi, Juan L. García-Mudarra, Javier Juste, and Carlos Ibáñez

Presence of  Myotis alcathoe Helversen & Heller, 2001 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Iberian Peninsula.

Acta Chiropterologica (2004) 6: 49-57.


Ibañez  C., Juste  J., López-wilchis R., Nuñez-Garduño, A.

Habitat and jamming avoidance as sources of variation in the echolocation of the sac-winged bat (Balantiopteryx plicata).

Journal of Mammalogy (2004). 85: 19-23.


Juste  J., C. Ibañez , , trujillo, D. muñoz, J., benda , P., ruedi, M.

Mitochondrial phylogeography of the long-eared bats (Plecotus) in the Mediterranean Palaearctic and Atlantic Islands

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2004) 31: 1114-1126. USA.


Juste  J., C. Ibañez , , trujillo, D. muñoz, J., benda , P., ruedi, M.

Phylogeography of Barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus) of in the western Mediterranean and the Canary Islands.

 Acta Chiropterologica (2003). 5:165-175. POL.


Garin I., JL. García-Mudarra, Aihartza, JR., Goiti U., Juste  J.,

Presence of Plecotus macrobullaris (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Pyrenees

 Acta Chiropterologica (2003)  5:243-250. POL


Ibañez C., Juste  J., Garcia-Mudarra J.L., Agirre-Mendi, P.T.

Feathers as indicator of a bat's diet. A reply to Bontadina & Arlettaz

Functional Ecology (2003) 17:141-145. UK


Ibañez ,C., Juste  J., López-Wilchis R., Albuja, L., Nuñez-Garduño, A.

Echolocation of three sac-winged bats (Balantiopteryx).

Journal of Mammalogy (2002) 83: 1049-1057. USA


Fa JE., Juste J., Burn R.W, and  Broad, G.

Bushmeat Consumption and Preferences in Bioko island, West Africa.

Human Ecology. (2002) 30:397-416.


trujillo D.,  ibáñez  R., Juste  J.

A new subspecies of Barbastella barbastellus (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Canary islands.

Revue Suisse de Zoologie (2002) 109: 1-8.


morales-malacara  J.,and Juste J.

Two New Species of the Genus Periglischrus (Acari: Mesostigmata: Spinturnicidae) on two bat species of the genus Tonatia (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) from Southeastern Mexico, with additional data from Panama.

Journal of Medical Entomology. (2002) 39: 298-311.


Costas E., Carrillo E., Ferrero L., Agrelo M., García-Villada L., Juste, J., Larrauri A. and López-Rodas V.

Mutation of algae from sensitivity to resistence against environmental selective agents: the ecological genetics of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides (Chlorophiceae) under lethal dosis of  3 –(3,4 Dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea herbicide.

Phycologia (2001). 40: 391-398.


Echeverria  J.E., Avellon  A., Juste J., Vera M., and Ibañez C.

Screening of active Lissavirus infection in wild bat populations by viral RNA detection on oropharingeal swabs.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2001) 39: 3678-3683. USA


Ibañez C., Juste  J., Garcia-Mudarra J.L.,  and Agirre-Mendi, P.T.

Bat Predation On Nocturnally Migrating Birds.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2001) 98: 9465-10022. USA.


Juste J., López-GonzÁlez, C. and R. E. Strauss.

Analysis of asymmetries in the African fruit bats Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. I. Variance and size components of bilateral variation

Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2001). 14: 663-671.


Juste  J., López-GonzÁlez, C. and R. E. Strauss.

Analysis of asymmetries in the African fruit bats Eidolon helvum and Rousettus egyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. II. Integration and levels of multivariate fluctuating asymmetry across a geographic range.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2001). 14: 672-680.


Juste J., Machordon, A., and C. Ibáñez..

Morphological, and allozyme variation of Eidolon helvum (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea.

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2000) 71: 359-378. UK.


Travaini A., Juste J., Novaro A., and A., Capurro.

Sexual dimorphism and sex identification in the Southernamerican culpeo fox, Pseudalopex culpaeus ( Carnivora, Canidae).

Wildlife Research (2000) 27: 669-674. Australia


Ibáñez, C. Lopez-Wilches R., Juste J., and León-Galván M.

Echolocation calls and a noteworthy record of Pteronotus gymnonotus

(Chiroptera, Mormoopidae) from Tabasco, Mexico.

Southwestern Naturalist (2000) 45: 345-347. USA


A. Guillén, Juste  J., and C. Ibañez..

Variation in the frequency of the echolocation calls of Hipposideros ruber in the Gulf of Guinea: an exploration of the adaptive meaning of the constant frequency value in Rhinolophoid Cf bats.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2000) 13: 70-80.


Juste J., Álvarez, y., Tabares E., Garrido-Pertierra, A., Ibáñez, C. and Bautista, J.M.

Phylogeography of African fruitbats (Megachiroptera).

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (1999) 13: 596-604. USA


álvarez, y., Juste J., Tabares E., Garrido-Pertierra, A., Ibáñez, C., Bautista, J.M.

Molecular Phylogeny and morphological homoplasy in African fruitbats.

Molecular Biology and Evolution (1999). 16: 1061-1067. USA


Ibáñez C., A. Guillén, , Juste J., and J. L Pérez-Jordá..

Echolocation calls of Pteronotus davyi (Chiroptera, Mormoopidae) from Panama.

Journal of Mammalogy (1999). 80: 924-928. USA


Juste J., C. Ibáñez, and A. Machordom.

Evolutionary relationships among the African fruit bats  Rousettus egyptiacus, R. angolensis and Myonycteris.

Journal of Mammalogy (1997). 78: 766-774. USA


Juste J., A. Machordom, and C. Ibáñez..

Allozyme variation of the Egyptian Rousette (Rousettus egyptiacus; Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) in the Gulf of Guinea (West-Central Africa).

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1996). 24: 499-508. UK.



Juste J.

Trade in the Grey Parrot, Psittacus erithacus, on the island of Príncipe Island (São Tomé and Príncipe, Central Africa): Initial assessment of the activity and its Impact.

Biological Conservation  (1996) 76: 101-104. UK.


J.Pérez del Val, Juste J., and J. Castroviejo.

A review of Zenkerella insignis, Matschie, 1898 (Rodentia, Anomaluridae) First records in Bioko island (Equatorial Guinea).

Mammalia (1995) 59: 441- 443. France.


J.E. Fa, Juste J., J. Pérez del Val, and J.Castroviejo.

Impact of Market Hunting on Mammal species in Equatorial Guinea.

Conservation Biology (1995)  9: 1107-1115.  USA.


Juste J., J.E. Fa, J. Perez del Val, and J.Castroviejo.

Market Dynamics of Bushmeat Species in Equatorial Guinea.

Journal of Applied Ecology (1995) 32: 454-467. UK.


Juste J., and J. Pérez del Val.

Altitudinal variation in the subcanopy fruit bat guild in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa.

Journal of Tropical Ecology (1995). 11:141-146. UK.


Juste J., and C. Ibáñez.

Contribution to the knowledge of the bat fauna of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. (Central Africa).

Zeitschrift fur Säugetierkunde  (1994). 54: 274-281. Germany


J.E. Fa, and Juste J.

Biodiversity conservation of the Gulf of Guinea Islands.

Biodiversity and Conservation (1994). 3: 757-758. UK.


Juste J., and Fa J.E.

Biodiversity conservation of the Gulf of Guinea Islands: taking stock and preparing action.

Biodiversity and Conservation (1994). 3: 759-771. UK.


J. Castroviejo, Juste J. , J. Perez del Val, R. Castelo, and R. Gil.

Diversity and status of sea turtle species in the Gulf of Guinea Islands.

Biodiversity and Conservation (1994). 3: 828-836. UK.


Juste J., and C. Ibáñez

Bats of the Gulf of Guinea Islands: Faunal Composition and Origins.

Biodiversity and Conservation (1994). 3: 837-850. UK.


J. Castroviejo, Juste J. , R. Castelo, and J. Perez del Val.

The Spanish co-operation programme in Equatorial Guinea: a ten year review of research and nature conservation in Bioko.

Biodiversity and Conservation (1994). 3: 951-961  UK


Juste, J., and Ibáñez, C.

An asymetric dental formula in mammals, the São Tomé island fruit bat Myonycteris brachycephala (Mammalia: Megachiroptera).

Canadian Journal of Zoology (1993). 71:221-224. Canadá


Juste, J., and Ibáñez, C.

Geographic variation and taxonomy of Rousettus aegyptiacus (Mammalia: Megachiroptera) in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (1993). 107:117-129  UK


Juste, J., and Ibáñez, C.

A new Tadarida of the subgenus Chaerephon (Chiroptera: Molossidae) from São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea (West Africa).

Journal of Mammalogy (1993). 74:901-907.  USA


Juste J., and J. Castroviejo.

Unusual record of the Spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa).

Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde (1992).57: 380-381. Germany


Original papers not in ‘SCI' journals


Juste J., and C. Ibañez.

Taxonomic review of Miniopterus minor Peters, 1867 (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from western central Africa.

Bonner Zoologische Beiträge (1992) 43 (3): 355-365. Germany



A. Estrada-Peña, Juste J., and C. Ibañez.

Three new species of Spinturnicid Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) from Bats in Africa.

International Journal of Acarology (1992).18:307-313. USA


Juste J., A. Carballeira, and F. Reigosa.

Circuitos de Liberación de agentes aleloquímicos en Rumex obtusifolius L.

Trabajos Compostelanos en Biología (1985). Vol. 12 Spain


A. Molina, Juste J., F. Ucieda, R. Retuerto, and A. Carballeira.

Predicción de parámetros climáticos de interés ecológico en Galicia. II Preparación y Termometría.

Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología. (1983).XLI Nº 1-2:43-66. Spain


A. Carballeira, F. Ucieda, Juste J., and A. Molina.

Ensayo de definición de regiones ecológicas en función del clima. Cuencas de los ríos Jares, Bibey y Navea.

Trabajos Compostelanos de Biología. (1982). Vol. 9: 139-157. Spain


A. Carballeira, Juste J., and A. Molina.

Predicción de parámetros de interés ecológicos en Galicia: I Relación Clima-topografía.

Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología (1981).Vol. XL Nº 11-12: 2121-2137. Spain


Contributions as book chapters:


Juste J.,  Ibáñez C., de Paz o., Martinez-Alos S., Vázquez-Hernandez A., Nogueras J., Schreur G., Baños-Villalba A., Rodriguez-Nevado C., Pozo F., Echevarria JE. (2017)

Los murciélagos en los Parques Nacionales de Monfragüe y Cabañeros: diversidad, especies crípticas de murciélago hortelano y presencia viral.


In: Investigación en Red. Colección "Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales" Monografías del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (L. Ramirez & B. Asensio eds.). Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales, Serie investigación en la red, Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Madrid.


Juste J., M. Garcia-Mudarra  JL., Ibáñez C. (2009)

Especies cripticas y murciélagos: Cuantas especies son en la península Iberica

In: Año Darwin. Adaptación y Evolución, 150 años después del Origen de las Especies (L. Dopazo H. ed.). Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE), Madrid.


Juste J., M. Genovart,  D. Oro, G. Bertorelle, M. Louzao, M. G. Forero, J.M. Igual  (2008)

Identidad y estructurra genética de la pardela balear (Puffinus mauretanicus)

In: Investigación en Red. Colección "Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales" Monografías del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (L. Ramirez & B. Asensio eds.). Naturaleza y Parques Nacionales, Serie investigación en la red, Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Madrid.


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