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A study with the participation of the EBD-CSIC rewrite the history of the horse in the American Plains

The Doñana Biological Station – CSIC participates in a cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research between western and traditional Indigenous science to study the evolutionary history of...

¿Qué ocasionó el brote del virus del Nilo en 2020? Una investigadora predoctoral estudia las causas

Sonia Cebrián desarrolla su tesis doctoral en la Estación Biológica de Doñana y estudia los factores ambientales que pueden haber tenido un papel clave en la gestación del brote de virus del Nilo...

Most frogs do not have life cycles with aquatic eggs and larvae

A scientific team led by the Doñana Biological Station analysed the evolution of life cycles and reproductive modes of all the major amphibian clades: frogs, salamanders, and caecilians. The...

Griffon vultures can move over an area of up to 10,000 km2 in a year

A scientific team led by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche with the collaboration of the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC has analysed the basic patterns of movements of several...