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Role of phenology in favoring or limiting biological invasions

Climate similarity favors biological invasion, but a match between seasonality in the novel range and the timing of life cycle events of the invader also influences the outcome of species...

Opening the doors of parasitology journals to other symbionts

Intimate symbiotic relationships between species (e.g., between a larger ‘host’ and a smaller ‘symbiont’) span the range from mutualism to parasitism. The nature of a symbiotic relationship is not...

Red mud as makeup in the Egyptian vultures

It is well-established that plumage colours are important for avian visual communication and are used to signal social information. Yet, little is known about the ability of birds to modify the...

Individual habitat specialization of a successful species

Population expansions of successful species have gained importance as a major conservation and management concern. The success of these ‘winners’ is widely attributed to their high adaptability and...