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Predictors of pollinator service

Pollinator service is essential for successful sexual reproduction and long?term population persistence of animal?pollinated plants, and innumerable studies have shown that insufficient service by...

Angiosperm seeds lacking external flesh can be adapted for endozoochory

It is often assumed that only plants with a fleshy fruit disperse inside vertebrate guts, i.e. by “endozoochory”. However, only 8% of European angiosperms have a fleshy fruit, and endozoochory of...

Less abundant animal and plant species gather in ghettos in order to survive

According to the competitive exclusion principle, species with low competitive abilities should be excluded by more efficient competitors; yet, they generally remain as rare species. The positive...

Nocturnal birds could communicate through the fluorescence of their feathers

Many nocturnal animals, including invertebrates such as scorpions and a variety of vertebrate species, including toadlets, flying squirrels, owls, and nightjars, emit bright fluorescence under...