Microproyectos 2015

— 20 Items per Page
Showing 13 results.
Name Size Downloads
Andy J. Green
Dispersal of plants and invertebrates by migratory waterbirds in California. Which taxa? Where are they taken?
39.9MB 164
Carlos Ibáñez
Trophic partitioning between sympatric cryptic bat species? A stable isotopes approach
56.4MB 172
Elena Angulo
la hormiga argentina, una nueva amenaza para los anfibios
87MB 171
Iván Gómez
I.- Cascading effects of amphibian developmental plasticity on aquatic communities. II.- A transcriptomic approach to the evolution of viviparity in Salamandra.
64.3MB 179
Javier Bustamante
Post-breeding dispersal, migration and wintering movements of lesser kestrels resolved with high-frequency GPS and remote sensing
52.8MB 232
Javier Juste
The diversity of Bats of the Alpine Massifs of Ethiopian Highlands and their response to the challenge of global warming
112MB 90
Jennifer Leonard
I.- The extinct camel of eastern Beringia. II.- Retuertas horse.
44.2MB 93
Joan Navarro
Movimientos espaciales y comportamiento migratorio de juveniles y adultos de una especie de ave marina de larga vida
53.6MB 105
Joaquín Ortego
Variación genética en un complejo de especies del género Quercus de California
32.9MB 82
José Antonio Godoy
Adaptive variation in declining species: Survey of MHC variation in Eurasian lynx populations at the western edge of its range
94MB 86
Juan Aguilar Amat
Patrones de moteado de los huevos en aves limícolas (Charadrii) en relación al ambiente térmico: variaciones latitudinales y altitudinales.
31.1MB 152
Marta I. Sánchez
Biological invasions, pollution and climate change: what can we learn from parasites?
91.6MB 92
Simone Santoro
Evaluación de la diversidad y abundancia de micromamíferos en la RBD
57.2MB 93
— 20 Items per Page
Showing 13 results.