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Identificación de regiones genómicas bajo selección en perros domésticos

Identification of the genomic regions under selection during dog domestication is extremely challenging because the demographic fluctuations associated with domestication can produce signals in...

Oceanographic drivers and mistiming processes shape breeding success in a seabird

Understanding the processes driving seabirds' reproductive performance through trophic interactions requires the identification of seasonal pulses in marine productivity. In this study, it was...

Parasites help brine shrimp cope with arsenic habitat contamination

Do parasites weaken their hosts’ resilience to environmental stress? Not always, according to this study. Rather than weakening its brine shrimp intermediate host, tapeworm infection enhances the...

The effect of body size and habitat on the evolution of alarm vocalizations in rodents

When confronted with a predator, many mammalian species emit vocalizations known as alarm calls. Vocal structure variation results from the interactive effects of different selective pressures....

Reduced avian diversity in artificial wetlands

Wetlands are one of the most threatened habitats, but they continue to be destroyed and degraded all over the world. In recent years, various studies have argued that artificial wetlands can...