La Fundación Jaime González-Gordon ofrece cuatro becas para el desarrollo de Trabajos de Fin de Máster sobre Doñana


Los estudios se realizarán en colaboración y bajo el aval científico de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

La convocatoria está abierta hasta el 31 de enero


Un año más, la Fundación Jaime González-Gordon convoca cuatro becas para el desarrollo de proyectos de Investigación sobre el Parque Nacional de Doñana y su entorno dentro de un programa de Máster universitario. Esta convocatoria se desarrollará en colaboración y bajo el aval científico de la Estación Biológica de Doñana, instituto de investigación perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).


Estudiantes de programas de máster universitarios oficiales en universidades españolas o extranjeras durante el curso académico 2023-2024.


Abierto a todas las ramas de conocimiento. Los trabajos de máster deberán centrarse en el entorno de Doñana (no necesariamente el espacio protegido) pero no hay ninguna limitación en relación al campo temático (biología, antropología, historia, geología, arte …).


• La beca consiste en una dotación de 1500€ que se transferirán al estudiante para su utilización en apoyo al desarrollo del proyecto.

• Si el proyecto implica trabajo de campo en Doñana, el beneficiario tendrá acceso a las instalaciones de la Institución Científico Técnica Singular ICTS-Doñana ( ), incluyendo alojamiento.

• Si el proyecto implica la utilización de los laboratorios y servicios de la Estación Biológica de Doñana ( ), los servicios se cobrarían a coste reducido, como personal de la EBD-CSIC.

Para proyectos que impliquen trabajo en la ICTS-Doñana o en la EBD-CSIC, la persona beneficiaria deberá tener un tutor o un co-tutor de la Estación Biológica que se encargará de las solicitudes de acceso y del contacto con las responsables del espacio protegido.


Los candidatos deberán presentar la siguiente documentación (en castellano):

• Certificado académico oficial de las notas obtenidas durante el grado o la licenciatura.

• Curriculum vitae

• Carta de motivación

• Propuesta de proyecto. Longitud máxima: 2 páginas.

• Evidencia de estar matriculado o en proceso de inscripción en un programa de máster durante el

curso 2021-2022.

• Carta de apoyo firmada por el tutor si lo hubiese. En caso de no tener tutor y que la propuesta fuese seleccionada, y en los casos en los que el trabajo precise acceso a la ICTS-Doñana o a la EBD-CSIC y el tutor no fuese miembro de la EBD-CSIC, la Estación Biológica haría propuesta de posibles tutores o co-tutores.

Toda esta documentación se mandará por correo electrónico a la Fundación Jaime González Gordon ( con copia a la Oficina de Coordinación de la Investigación de la EBD-CSIC ( no más tarde del 31 de enero de 2024.

Evaluación de solicitudes

Las propuestas se valorarán en el plazo de dos semanas desde la fecha límite de presentación. Para la evaluación se tendrá en cuenta el interés del proyecto y su calidad científica, la relevancia para Doñana, la capacidad aparente del candidato para llevar a cabo el proyecto. La comisión de selección podrá entrevistar a los candidatos durante el proceso de evaluación si así lo considera conveniente.

La valoración de los candidatos se hará de forma consensuada entre representantes de la Fundación y de la EBD-CSIC. La decisión será inapelable.

La resolución se comunicará a los candidatos por correo electrónico.

Compromiso de las personas beneficiarias

-Mandar copia del Trabajo Fin de Máster resultante del proyecto a la Fundación y a la EBD-CSIC, indicando la fecha de la defensa pública.

-Preparar un vídeo de 2-3 minutos de duración o un texto divulgativo presentando los resultados del trabajo. Estos materiales serán accesibles a través de las páginas web de la Fundación y/o de la EBD-CSIC.

-La persona beneficiaria se compromete a agradecer el apoyo de la Fundación en cualquier artículo  científico o comunicación en congreso que pudiese derivar del proyecto y mandará copia del trabajo publicado a la Fundación.



Iberian lynx hybridized with Eurasian lynx over the last few thousand years

Lince Ibérico. Foto: Antonio Rivas

A study led by the Doñana Biological Station has concluded that the Iberian lynx would have more genetic diversity now than 4000 thousand years ago thanks to the genetic exchange with the Eurasian lynx.

This study is essential in the current scenario in which the genetic viability of the Iberian lynx is still not guaranteed

Cross-species hybridization is a more frequent phenomenon than previously thought. In the past, it happened with modern humans. It is estimated that our genome contains about 2% of Neanderthal DNA. We now know that the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) has also hybridized with closely-related species in the recent past. A study led by the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC showed that the Iberian lynx interbred with the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) over the last few thousand years, which would have helped to increase its genetic diversity. These results are important in the current scenario, in which the survival of the Iberian lynx is not guaranteed in the long term.

To carry out this study, the scientific team analyzed the DNA of the three ancient Iberian lynx specimens: one from Andújar dated around 4300 years ago, another from Alcanar in Catalonia dated 2500 years ago, and another from Algarve in Portugal, dated approximately 2100 years ago. Then they compared this information with genetic data from present-day individuals. What they observed was totally unexpected: the genetic diversity of ancient lynxes was lower than that of contemporary lynxes.

This increase in genetic diversity throughout history could not be explained by the historical population drift of the Iberian lynx. As its population declined over time, genetic diversity should be lower, not higher. Nor was it possible that the ancient individuals belonged to completely isolated populations, since genetic analyses showed they intermixed with each other and the ancestors of contemporary lynx. So, what could have happened in the last three or two thousand years?

The scientific team found a possible answer in hybridization. "The analyses revealed that modern lynxes shared more genetic material with their sister species, the Eurasian lynx, than the older lynxes". This suggests that a genetic exchange has occurred between the two species during the last two thousand years", explains researcher María Lucena, first author of the study who developed this work during her doctoral thesis in the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC. Precisely, the results indicate that the most recent ancient specimens of Iberian lynx, the ones from Catalonia and Algarve, have more genetic variants from the Eurasian lynx than the one from Andújar. Thousands of years ago, the distribution of the Eurasian lynx may have reached as far as the south of France and Italy. This species inhabited the north of the Iberian Peninsula until recent years, creating opportunities for the gene exchange between the two species. The gene flow of the Eurasian lynx to the Iberian lynx would have subsequently spread to all modern populations.

Iberian lynx's genetic rescue

The genetic diversity of species is essential for their adaptation to changes in their environment. However, the genetic diversity of the Iberian lynx became one of the lowest in the world. The species experienced a major decline during the 20th century that left only about 100 individuals divided in two isolated, small populations in Doñana and Andújar. In response to this situation, it was decided to mix the two genetically distinct populations. "Allowing crosses between individuals that are not at all related to each other, we avoided the inbreeding that had accumulated in the two small populations", explains José Antonio Godoy, a researcher at the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC. "According to our data, it seems that the "hybrids" of the two populations have greater reproductive success and possibly greater survival. At the same time, it also increases the genetic diversity available for adaptation to environmental changes".

Despite its successful recovery during the first decades of the 21th century, the Iberian lynx does not have yet a minimum population size to ensure acceptable genetic diversity in the future. In another recent study, the research group calculated that at least 1100 reproductive females were needed, while only 326 were registered in the 2022 census. In addition, it was imperative to increase the number of subpopulations and improve connectivity between them for the genetic exchange. The LIFE-Lynxconnect project, funded by the European Comission, aims precisely to achieve an self-sustainable and genetically viable population of Iberian lynx in the long term, by connecting the different subpopulations and creating two new ones.

Could hybridization with other species be a solution to the low genetic diversity of endangered species, as the Iberian lynx? This option is often dismissed on the understanding that the offspring would have a lower probability of survival and reproduction, reducing the viability of the population rather than increasing it. "In general, we expect that most of genes that enter a species from other one will have negative consequences and will be eliminated over time by natural selection, but some may restore functional variants or even allow the adaptation to new environmental conditions", explains José Antonio Godoy. "However, we do not yet know what consequences had the past introgression we have detected in the Iberian lynx, and we can much less predict the consequences of future natural or intentional hybridization", he concludes. Further research in these lines will be necessary.



Maria Lucena-Perez, Johanna L. A. Paijmans, Francisco Nocete, Jordi Nada5, Cleia Detry, Love Dalén, Michael Hofreiter, Axel Barlow, José A. Godoy. Recent increase in species-wide diversity after interspecies introgression in the highly endangered Iberian lynx. Nature Ecology & Evolution.


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