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What can Remote Sensing do for the Conservation of Wetlands?

International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Wetlands

We are announcing the celebration of an International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Wetlands: Under the title:
"What can Remote Sensing do for the Conservation of Wetlands?"
It is going to take place in Seville on the 23rd of October 2015, within  the XVI Congress of the Spanish Remote Sensing Association (XVI Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección)
We have now opened the "Call for Papers"
It is going to be a one-day meeting and the number of talks will be limited. We have confirmed two keynote speakers:
    Prof. Alfredo Huete, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
    Prof. Patricia Kandus, Universidad Nacional San Martín, Argentina

Abstracts must be received before 30 April 2015, acceptance will be communicated before 1 June 2015.