Andy J.
My main interests are aquatic and waterbird ecology, especially in Mediterranean wetlands. I have previously carried out many autecological studies on threatened waterbird species (e.g. the marbled teal and white-headed duck). I have also carried out various studies of sexual selection in amphibians and waterbirds, and of allometry and physical condition in vertebrates. I am now particularly interested in the interactions between waterbirds and the rest of aquatic ecosystems. Major study topics in my lab include how birds disperse plants and invertebrates between wetlands, and how their predation affects invertebrate and plant communities. I am also working on zooplankton in brackish and hypersaline wetlands, including their population genetics and the cestode parasites they share with birds. Much of my research is applied to conservation issues in Doñana and other major Mediterranean wetlands (e.g. wetland restoration, threatened species, biological invasions, heavy metal contamination).