Carlos M.
Herrera Maliani
I was initially trained as an ornithologist, yet my scientific work has subsequently focused on most facets of the evolutionary ecology of interactions between plants and animals, including plant-frugivore, plant-pollinator and plant-herbivore systems, as well as the plant-pollinator-fungi tritrophic system. I aim to contribute to solve the seemingly paradox represented by the strong historical and ecological constraints on reciprocal adaptations found at the microevolutionary level, on one side, and the myriad cases that, on the other side, illustrate reciprocal adaptive radiations between plants and herbivores, pollinators and seed predators at a macroevolutionary scale. More recently, I have incorporated into my research program the study of microbes potentially consequential for the interactions linking plants and their animal pollinators, as well as approaches from population and molecular genetics, molecular phylogenetics, phylogeography, and chemistry.