I am an environmental biologist by training and a field ornithologist by passion, with my early work focused on the behavioral ecology of raptors. I have always been intrigued by spatial phenomena and species distribution, and my need for predictors in models led me to explore Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery (remote sensing). I continue to work with a small colonial falcon, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), as part of a long-term research project. We are developing an automatic tracking system using new technologies (ICTs) for a breeding colony in Andalusia.
My research has also involved species distribution models in both Spain and South America. I am particularly interested in building tools that can be applied to species conservation, management, and planning across different spatial scales. In the field of remote sensing, my focus lies in the analysis of satellite image time series to better understand how natural systems function on large spatial scales.
Currently, I am the Deputy Director of the Doñana Biological Station (EBD), where I oversee the ICTS-Doñana. I am also the scientific lead of the GIS and Remote Sensing Laboratory (https://last-ebd.blogspot.com/)