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  • Paper
    Human pressures constrain Eurasian otter occurrence in semiarid Northern Africa.Biodiversity and Conservation31: 1519-1533.DOI 10.1007/s10531-022-02405-w
    Calzada, J.; Clavero, M.; Delibes, M.; Fernández, N.
  • Paper
    Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) as sentinel species for the long-term biomonitoring of the Guadiamar River after the Aznalcóllar mine spill.Science of the Total Environment802: 149669.DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149669
    Baos, R.; Cabezas, S.; González, M.J.; Jiménez, B.; Delibes, M.
  • Paper
    Reply to comments on Hyaenids, felids and canids as bone accumulators: Does the natural history of extant species support zooarchaeological inferences? By Palomares et al. [Quat. Sci. Rev. 284 (2022) 107459].QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS295: 107675.DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107675
    Palomares, F.; Ruiz-Villar, H.; Morales-Gonzalez, A.; Calzada, J.; Roman, J.; Rivilla, J.C.; Revilla, E.; Fernández-Gil, A.; Delibes, M.
  • Paper
    Ancient genome provides insights into the history of Eurasian lynx in Iberia and Western Europe.Quarternary Science Reviews285: 107518.DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107518
    Lucena-Perez, M.; Bazzicalupo, E.; Paijmans, J.; Kleinman-Ruiz, D.; Dalén, L.; Hofreiter, M.; Delibes, M.; Clavero, M.; Godoy, J.A.
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    Emerging laws must not protect stray cats and their impacts.CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE4(7): e12706.DOI 10.1111/csp2.12706
    Carrete, M.; Clavero, M.; Arrondo, E.; Traveset, A.; Bernardo-Madrid, R.; Vilà, M.; Blas, J.; Nogales, M.; Delibes, M.; García-Rodríguez, A.; Hernández-Brito, D.; Romero-Vidal, P.; Tella, J.L.
  • Paper
    Temporal and spatial patterns in the shifting of otter diet to invasive prey after river damming.River Research and Applications38(8): 1450-1459.DOI 10.1002/rra.3961
    Bedmar, S.; Blanco-Garrido, F.; Delibes, M.; Clavero, M.
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    Effects of Population Declines on Habitat Segregation and Activity Patterns of Rabbits and Hares in Doñana National Park, Spain.land11(4): 461.DOI 10.3390/land11040461
    Beltrán, J.F.; Rau, J.R.; Soriguer, R.C.; Kufner, M.B.; Delibes, M.; Carro, F.
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    Hyaenids, felids and canids as bone accumulators: Does the natural history of extant species support zooarchaeological inferences?.Quarternary Science Reviews284: 107459.DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107459
    Palomares, F.; Ruiz-Villar, H.; Morales-González, A.; Calzada, J.; Román, J.; Rivilla, J.C.; Revilla, E.; Fernández-Gil, A.; Delibes, M.
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    A 16th-century biodiversity and crop inventory.Ecology103(10): e3783.DOI 10.1002/ecy.3783
    Viana, D.S.; Blanco-Garrido, F.; Delibes, M.; Clavero, M.
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    Mating System, Breeding Success, and Pup Mortality of a Habitat Specialist Rodent: A Field and Molecular-based Approach.Journal of Mammalian Evolution28(3): 953-964.DOI 10.1007/s10914-021-09542-z
    Centeno-Cuadros, A.; Román, J.; Sánchez-Recuero, A.; Lucena-Pérez, M.; Delibes, M.; Godoy, J.A.