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    Recent increase in species-wide diversity after interspecies introgression in the highly endangered Iberian lynx.Nature Ecology & Evolution8(2): 282-292.DOI 10.1038/s41559-023-02267-7
    Lucena-Perez, M.; Paijmans, J.L.A.; Nocete, F.; Nadal, J.; Detry, C.; Dalén, L.; Hofreiter, M.; Barlow, A.; Godoy, J.A.
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    Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts.Nature Ecology & Evolution8(2): 267-281.DOI 10.1038/s41559-023-02260-0
    Pearman, P.B.; Broennimann, O.; Aavik, T.; Albayrak, T.; Alves, P.C.; Aravanopoulos, F.A.; Bertola, L.D.; Biedrzycka, A.; Buzan, E.; Cubric-Curik, V.; Djan, M.; Fedorca, A.; Fuentes-Pardo, A.P.; Fussi, B.; Godoy, J.A.; Gugerli, F.; Hoban, S.; Holderegger, R.; Hvilsom, C.; Iacolina, L.; Kalamujic Stroil, B.; Klinga, P.; Konopi¿ski, M.K.; Kopatz, A.; Laikre, L.; Lopes-Fernandes, M.; McMahon, B.J.; Mergeay, J.; Neophytou, C.; Pálsson, S.; Paz-Vinas, I.; Posledovich, D.; Primmer, C.R.; Raeymaekers, J.A.M.; Rinkevich, B.; Role¿ková, B.; Ru¿¿is, D.; Schuerz, L.; Segelbacher, G.; Kav¿i¿ Sonnenschein, K.; Stefanovic, M.; Thurfjell, H.; Träger, S.; Tsvetkov, I.N.; Velickovic, N.; Vergeer, P.; Vernesi, C.; Vilà, C.; Westergren, M.
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    Evaluation of the genetic viability of metapopulation scenarios for the Iberian lynx.Animal Conservation27(1): 112-123.DOI 10.1111/acv.12890
    Pacín, C.; Garrote, G.; Godoy, J.A.
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    How genomics can help biodiversity conservation.Trends in Genetics39(7): 545-559.DOI 10.1016/j.tig.2023.01.005
    Theissinger, K.; Fernandes, C.; Formenti, G.; Bista, I.; Berg, P.R.; Bleidorn, C.; Bombarely, A.; Crottini, A.; Gallo, G.R.; Godoy, J.A.; Jentoft, S.; Malukiewicz, J.; Mouton, A.; Oomen, R.A.; Paez, S.; Palsbøll, P.J.; Pampoulie, C.; Ruiz-López, M.J.; Secomandi, S.; Svardal, H.; Theofanopoulou, C.; de Vries, J.; Waldvogel, A.M.; Zhang, G.; Jarvis, E.D.; Bálint, M.; Ciofi, C.; Waterhouse, R.M.; Mazzoni, C.J.; Höglund, J.; Aghayan, S.A.; Alioto, T.S.; Almudi, I.; Alvarez, N.; Alves, P.C.; Amorim do Rosario, I.R.; Antunes, A.; Arribas, P.; Baldrian, P.; Bertorelle, G.; Böhne, A.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Boštjan¿i¿, L.L.; Boussau, B.; Breton, C.M.; Buzan, E.; Campos, P.F.; Carreras, C.; Castro, L.F.C.; Chueca, L.J.; Fernández, R.; Gabaldón, T.; Leonard, J.A.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Novo, M.; Palero, F.; Pascual, M.; Pegueroles, C.; Riesgo, A.; Vieites, D.R.
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    Genome-environment association analyses reveal geographically restricted adaptive divergence across the range of the widespread Eurasian carnivore Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758).Evolutionary Applications16(11): 1773-1788.DOI 10.1111/eva.13570
    Bazzicalupo, E.; Ratkiewicz, M.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Okhlopkov, I.; Galsandorj, N.; Yarovenko, Y.A.; Ozolins, J.; Saveljev, A.P.; Melovski, D.; Gavashelishvili, A.; Schmidt, K.; Godoy, J.A.
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    Purging of deleterious burden in the endangered Iberian lynx.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America119(11): e2110614119.DOI 10.1073/pnas.2110614119
    Kleinman-Ruiz, D.; Lucena-Perez, M.; Villanueva, B.; Fernández, J.; Saveljev, A.P.; Ratkiewicz, M.; Schmidt, K.; Galtier, N.; García-Dorado, A.; Godoy, J.A.
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    Coat Polymorphism in Eurasian Lynx: Adaptation to Environment or Phylogeographic Legacy?.Journal of Mammalian Evolution29(1): 51-62.DOI 10.1007/s10914-021-09580-7
    Darul, R.; Gavashelishvili, A.; Saveljev, A.P.; Seryodkin, I.V.; Linnell, J.D.C.; Okarma, H.; Bagrade, G.; Ornicans, A.; Ozolins, J.; Männil, P.; Khorozyan, I.; Melovski, D.; Stojanov, A.; Trajçe, A.; Hoxha, B.; Dvornikov, M.G.; Galsandorj, N.; Okhlopkov, I.; Mamuchadze, J.; Yarovenko, Y.A.; Akkiev, M.I.; Sulamanidze, G.; Kochiashvili, V.; ¿ahin, M.K.; Trepet, S.A.; Pkhitikov, A.B.; Farhadinia, M.S.; Godoy, J.A.; Jászay, T.; Ratkiewicz, M.; Schmidt, K.
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    The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics.Trends in Ecology and Evolution37(3): 197-202.DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2021.11.008
    Formenti, G.; Theissinger, K.; Fernandes, C.; Bista, I.; Bombarely, A.; Bleidorn, C.; Ciofi, C.; Crottini, A.; Godoy, J.A.; Malukiewicz, J.; Mouton, A.; Oomen, R.A.; Paez, S.; Palsbøll, P.J.; Pampoulie, C.; Ruiz-López, M.J.; Svardal, H.; Theofanopoulou, C.; de Vries, J.; Waldvogel, A.M.; Zhang, G.; Mazzoni, C.J.; Jarvis, E.D.; Bálint, M.; ¿iampor, F.; Hoglund, J.; Zhang, G.; Aghayan, S.A.; Alioto, T.S.; Almudi, I.; Alvarez, N.; Alves, P.C.; Amorim, I.R.; Antunes, A.; Arribas, P.; Baldrian, P.; Berg, P.R.; Bertorelle, G.; Böhne, A.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Boštjan¿i¿, L.L.; Boussau, B.; Breton, C.M.; Buzan, E.; Campos, P.F.; Carreras, C.; Chueca, L.J.; Fernández, R.; Gabaldón, T.; Leonard, J.A.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Novo, M.; Palero, F.; Pascual, M.; Pegueroles, C.; Riesgo, A.; Vieites, D.R.
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    History, demography and genetic status of Balkan and Caucasian Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) populations revealed by genome-wide variation.Diversity and Distributions28(1): 65-82.DOI 10.1111/ddi.13439
    Bazzicalupo, E.; Lucena-Perez, M.; Kleinman-Ruiz, D.; Pavlov, A.; Trajce, A.; Hoxha, B.; Sanaja, B.; Gurielidze, Z.; Kerdikoshvili, N.; Mamuchadze, J.; Yarovenko, Y. A.; Akkiev, M. I.; Ratkiewicz, M.; Saveljev, A. P.; Melovski, D.; Gavashelishvili, A.; Schmidt, K.; Godoy, J. A.
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    Ancient genome provides insights into the history of Eurasian lynx in Iberia and Western Europe.Quarternary Science Reviews285: 107518.DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107518
    Lucena-Perez, M.; Bazzicalupo, E.; Paijmans, J.; Kleinman-Ruiz, D.; Dalén, L.; Hofreiter, M.; Delibes, M.; Clavero, M.; Godoy, J.A.