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    Beyond crippling bias: Carcass-location bias in roadkill studies.CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE6(4): e13103.DOI 10.1111/csp2.13103
    Román, J.; Rodríguez, C.; García-Rodríguez, A.; Diez-Virto, I.; Gutiérrez-Expósito, C.; Jubete, F.; Paniw, M.; Clavero, M.; Revilla, E.; D'Amico, M.
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    Population Dynamic Consequences of Context-Dependent Trade-Offs across Life Histories.American Naturalist203(6): 681-694.DOI 10.1086/730111
    Bliard, L.; Paniw, M.; Childs, D.Z.; Ozgul, A.
  • Paper
    Multifaceted density dependence: Social structure and seasonality effects on Serengeti lion demography.Journal of Animal Ecology93(10): 1493-1509.DOI 10.1111/1365-2656.14158
    Conquet, E.; Paniw, M.; Borrego, N.; Nater, C.R.; Packer, C.; Ozgul, A.
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    Comparative life-history responses of lacewings to changes in temperature.Ecology and Evolution14(7): e70000.DOI 10.1002/ece3.70000
    Serediuk, H.; Jackson, J.; Evers, S.M.; Paniw, M.
  • Paper
    Are some species more sensitive to environmental change than others? It may all depend on the context.Journal of Animal Ecology93(6): 659-662.DOI 10.1111/1365-2656.14084
    Touzot, L.; Paniw, M.
  • Paper
    The road to success and the fences to be crossed: considering multiple infrastructure in landscape connectivity modelling.WILDLIFE BIOLOGYe01187: e01187.DOI 10.1002/wlb3.01187
    Botting, I.; Ascensao, F.; Navarro, L.M.; Paniw, M.; Tablado, Z.; Roman, J.; Revilla, E.; D'Amico
  • Paper
    Destabilizing effect of climate change on the persistence of a short-lived primate.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America120(14): e2214244120.DOI 10.1073/pnas.2214244120
    Ozgul, A.; Fichtel, C.; Paniw, M.; Kappeler, P.M.
  • Paper
    Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity: New opportunities for dynamically forecasting demography and species interactions.Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences290(1993): 20221494.DOI 10.1098/rspb.2022.1494
    Paniw, M.; García-Callejas, D.; Lloret, F.; Bassar, R.D.; Travis, J.; Godoy, O.
  • Paper
    Demographic consequences of changes in environmental periodicity.Ecology104(3): e3894.DOI 10.1002/ecy.3894
    Conquet, E.; Ozgul, A.; Blumstein, D.T.; Armitage, K.B.; Oli, M.K.; Martin, J.G.A.; Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Paniw, M.
  • Book chapter
    EFFECTIVE ECOLOGY: SEEKING SUCCESS IN A HARD SCIENCE / Theory, prediction and application.Taylor & FrancisDOI 10.1201/9781003314332
    Paniw, M.; Cousens, R.; Baker, C.; Le, T.