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  • Paper
    The trichome pattern diversity of Cardamine shares genetic mechanisms with Arabidopsis but differs in environmental drivers.Plant Physiology196(4): 2730-2748.DOI 10.1093/plphys/kiae213
    Alberto Fuster-Pons; Alba Murillo-Sánchez; Belén Méndez-Vigo; Arnald Marcer; Bjorn Peper; Rafael Torres-Pérez; Juan Carlos Oliveros; Miltos Tsiantis; F. Xavier Picó; Carlos Alonso-Blanco
  • Paper
    Variation and plasticity in life-history traits and fitness of wild Arabidopsis thaliana populations are not related to their genotypic and ecological diversity.BMC Ecology24(1): 56.DOI 10.1186/s12862-024-02246-x
    de la Mata, R.; Mollá-Morales, A.; Méndez-Vigo, B.; Torres-Pérez, R.; Oliveros, J.C.; Gómez, R.; Marcer, A.; Castilla, A.R.; Nordborg, M.; Alonso-Blanco, C.; Picó, F.X.
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    Examining the spatiotemporal variation of genetic diversity and genetic rarity in the natural plant recolonization of human-altered areas.Conservation Genetics24(3): 315-330.DOI 10.1007/s10592-023-01503-8
    Garrote, P.J.; Castilla, A.R.; Picó, F.X.; Fedriani, J.M.
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    Unravelling plant diversification: Intraspecific genetic differentiation in hybridizing Anacyclus species in the western Mediterranean Basin.American Journal of Botany110(2): e16121.DOI 10.1002/ajb2.16121
    Bruno Agudo, A.; Xavier Picó, F.; Mateo, R.G.; Marcer, A.; Torices, R.; Álvarez, I.
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    Spatiotemporal dynamics of genetic variation at the quantitative and molecular levels within a natural Arabidopsis thaliana population.Journal of Ecology110(11): 2701-2716.DOI 10.1111/1365-2745.13981
    Belén Méndez-Vigo; Antonio R. Castilla; Rocío Gómez; Arnald Marcer; Carlos Alonso-Blanco; F. Xavier Picó
  • Paper
    Differential environmental and genomic architectures shape the natural diversity for trichome patterning and morphology in different Arabidopsis organs.Plant, Cell and Environment45(10): 3018-3035.DOI 10.1111/pce.14308
    Noelia Arteaga; Belén Méndez-Vigo; Alberto Fuster-Pons; Marija Savic; Alba Murillo-Sánchez; F. Xavier Picó; Carlos Alonso-Blanco
  • Paper
    MYB transcription factors drive evolutionary innovations in Arabidopsis fruit trichome patterning.Plant Cell33(3): 548-565.DOI 10.1093/plcell/koaa041
    Arteaga, N.; Savic, M.; Méndez-Vigo, B.; Fuster-Pons, A.; Torres-Pérez, R.; Oliveros, J.C.; Picó, F.X.; Alonso-Blanco, C.
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    Depicting the phenotypic space of the annual plant Diplotaxis acris in hyperarid deserts.Ecology and Evolution11(22): 15708-15719.DOI 10.1002/ece3.8232
    Gomaa, N.H.; Picó, F.X.
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: The ecology and genetics of population differentiation in plants.AoB Plants13(6): plab057.DOI 10.1093/aobpla/plab057
    Picó, F.X.; Abdelaziz, M.; Castilla, A.R.
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    Temporal migration rates affect the genetic structure of populations in the biennial Erysimum mediohispanicum with reproductive asynchrony.AoB Plants12(4): plaa037.DOI 10.1093/aobpla/plaa037
    Munoz-Pajares, A.J.; Abdelaziz, M.; Pico, F.X.