I have started my career in Ukraine, in the Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Science (Kyiv) in 2012. In 2014 I came to Germany to start a Marie Curie-FP7 funded PhD in Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology, within the INTERFACES project, and I am living in Germany ever since. In 2017 I have graduated with the degree of doctor of natural science (Dr. Rer. Nat.) from Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Humboldt University of Berlin, dealing with the ecological functions of the Diptera larvae in the European lakes. After that, I have done a postdoc in the Senckenberg Museum (Gelnhausen). After that postdoc, I have spent 4.5-year in the Ludwig Maximillian University of Munich, working as a postdoc in the Prof. Joachim T. Haug's lab.
Currently I am starting a new exciting chapter in my reseach career, as an Ramon y Cajal tenure-track-fellow at Estación Biológica de Doñana, in Seville, Spain. My working group will focus on the palaeocology of true flies (Diptera). Currently we are starting to develop a new project on reconstructing palaeoenvironments using size-temperature relations in the fossil insects. The project is funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación. More information is coming soon.
I enjoy working in the museum collections, discovering treasure buried in the endless shelfs, sometimes forgotten for hundreds of years.
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