News News

Western Mediterranean basin: an increasingly frequent nesting site for loggerhead turtles

A loggerhead turtle nesting was detected on the urban beach of Los Boliches in Fuengirola (Málaga, Spain). The hatchlings have been included in a head-starting program in the Center for the Management of Marine Environment Resources of Andalusia (CEGMA) and part of them have been released in Fuengirola. It is planned to release the rest of them in September.
The Western Mediterranean Basin is becoming a more frequent nesting area. Marine turtles are likely to return to the beach or area...

Safeguarding European Wild Pollinators

? A team of researchers, NGOs, industry and policy experts from 25 institutions spread across 15 countries are joining forces to contribute to Europe’s capacity to reverse the losses of wild pollinators. The newly project Safeguard is funded by EU Horizon 2020 program. ? Safeguard aims to address the decline of wild pollinators, its effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services and options to restore pollinator biodiversity

Climate models predict a severe range contraction and upward shift of suitable habitat for alpine birds

Alpine ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change. For widely distributed alpine specialists, rear-edge populations are disproportionately important. The importance and effects of climatic and landscape variables was assessed for 4 alpine bird species (Pyrrhocorax graculus, Prunella collaris, Montifringilla nivalis, Tichodroma muraria).

the shrew genus Crocidura in Sundaland

what are the processes that have originated this high diversity in the tropics? Researchers of the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC wanted to address this question in their latest study, looking into the drivers that have originated this high diversity of shrews in the tropics, specifically in Sundaland, South-East Asia. The work has been carried out in collaboration with scientists from Geneva, Harvard and Smithsonian museums and Sabah Parks (Malaysia).

Matriarcales, ubicuas y abundantes: las hormigas protagonizan el nuevo libro de divulgación del CSIC

El entomólogo de la Estación Biológica de Doñana José Manuel Vidal Cordero firma el último título de la colección ‘¿Qué sabemos de?’ (CSIC-Catarata). ? El texto explica la morfología, comportamiento y mecanismos de comunicación de estos formidables insectos