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Iberian lynx hybridized with Eurasian lynx over the last few thousand years

A study led by the Doñana Biological Station has concluded that the Iberian lynx would have more genetic diversity now than 4000 thousand years ago thanks to the genetic exchange with the Eurasian lynx. This study is essential in the current scenario in which the genetic viability of the Iberian lynx is still not guaranteed

The killer whales of the Strait of Gibraltar are different

A key goal for wildlife managers is identifying discrete, demographically independent conservation units. Previous genetic work assigned killer whales that occur seasonally in the Strait of Gibraltar and killer whales sampled off the Canary Islands to the same population. Here authors present new analyses of photo-identification and individual genotypes to assess the level of contemporary gene flow and migration between study areas, and analyses of biomarkers to assess ecological differences.

12_02_2015 Kailen Mooney, Causes and community-level consequences for clinal adaptation in a foundational plant species

Genetically-based variation in the functional traits of keystone species can influence the composition of the community within which those species are embedded. Similarly, local adaptation to biotic and abiotic environmental variation can drive population-level variation in such traits. We test the hypothesis that local adaptation of a keystone plant can lead to variation among populations in the community of associated arthropods. Studying a strong environmental cline along the California...