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Transference in Doñana and surroundings

The Direction of the EBD is an ex officio member of the Participation Council of the Doñana Natural Area. It is also a member of the different Working Commissions that depend on this body and, in the case of the Research Working Commission, the EBD assumes the role of rapporteur. 

This Commission meets four times a year to report on proposed research activities for Doñana and also functions as the Access Commission of the ICTS-RBD. The EBD is also responsible for carrying out the main biodiversity monitoring of Doñana through the Natural Processes Monitoring Program. These tasks mean that a large amount of information about this natural area is concentrated in our center, from scientific publications, technical reports, cartography or photographic material. This information is available to anyone who needs it, and its main user is the management team of the Doñana Natural Space (i.e. the combination of National and Natural Parks).

Services for administrations and companies

The EBD frequently receives direct requests from administrations and companies to design, advise on or carry out studies on biodiversity: population trends, detection and solution of conservation problems, follow-up of management actions, thematic reviews, etc. 

In addition to those commissioned by the Junta de Andalucía, other examples are studies on scavenger birds and birds of prey in Navarra and the Canary Islands, studies on the impact of infrastructures on the natural environment (commissioned by both private companies and the Administration) and various collaborations in LIFE projects of the European Commission..

Ad hoc services and analysis

Almost all our laboratories have the possibility to provide services to external users. The CSIC service catalogue can be consulted online and laboratory contacts are available in the Service section.

Expert advice

Our researchers and technicians are involved in different working groups and advisory committees to promote the incorporation of scientific knowledge in governance at all levels. 

We advise on the drafting of autonomic, national and European legislation, we write reports when requested by judicial courts, we collaborate as advisors with the Ministry responsible for the environment (for example in the Scientific Committee on Invasive Species), the Ministry responsible for Science (for example, National Research and Technology Plan or the State Investigation Agency), the Andalusian Network of Protected Spaces, the Autonomous Organism of National Parks (Scientific Committee) and we are also members of several committees of the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN ("Species specialist groups"), among others.

International initiatives and networks

Science is a highly collaborative activity and we are involved in several scientific and technical networks to share experiences, contrast values, provide references, etc. 

At the same time, the ICTS-RBD offers an ideal infrastructure to generate long series of data for the whole scientific community, which is very important for the studies of the effects of Global Change. We collaborate in initiatives such as LTER (Long Term Ecological Research), GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility), LifeWatch, among others.


  • Biomimetic y zoosemiotic aerial vehicle guided by an automatic pilot device
    Jordi Figuerola, Josué Martínez De La Puente
  • Vehículo aéreo biomimético y zoosemiótico guiado por un dispositivo de piloto automático
    Jordi Figuerola, Josué Martínez De La Puente
  • Method for obtaining melanins and use thereof
    Juan José Negro
  • Procedimiento de obtención de melaninas y sus aplicaciones
    Juan José Negro
  • Baño térmico portátil
    Miguel Tejedo

Knowledge transfer projects

The following projects respond to biodiversity management and conservation needs as well as technical issues.

  • Transference
    2025-12-01 - 2027-12-31
    Guarding European Waters from IAS - GuardIAS
    Protegiendo las aguas europeas de las especies exóticas invasoras
  • Transference
    2024-10-30 - 2025-10-29
    Movements and use of space by nesting Lesser Kestrels in the area around the Dulcinea Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant
    Movimientos y uso del espacio por parte de los cernícalos primilla nidificantes en el entorno de la Planta Solar Fotovoltaica Dulcinea
  • Transference
    2024-10-11 - 2025-10-10
    Discriminatory genetic analysis of chiropterans from wing biopsies (Spanish Wildlife Atlas project)
    Análisis genético discriminatorio de quirópteros a partir de biopsias alares (proyecto Atlas de Fauna de España)
  • Transference
    2024-09-25 - 2025-03-24
    Service for the elaboration of a risk assessment to detect methods and points of interest for entomological surveillance of West Nile Fever in Spain
    Servicio de elaboración de una evaluación de riesgo para detectar métodos y puntos de interés para la vigilancia entomológica de la Fiebre Del Nilo Occidental en España
  • Transference
    2024-09-03 - 2025-09-02
    Project Stop animal roadkills in Spain: Preparation of several reports on Spanish species affected by the impact of transport infrastructures.
    Proyecto Stop Atropellos de Fauna en España: Realización de varios informes sobre especies españolas afectadas por impactos de infraestructuras de transporte
  • Transference
    2024-08-16 - 2025-08-15
    Status and Monitoring Protocol of the southwestern water vole (Arvícola sapidus) in Navarra 2024-2025
    Situación y Protocolo de Monitorización de la Rata de Agua (Arvícola sapidus) en Navarra 2024-2025