Outstanding Outstanding


Updated Map of the Spanish Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS)

The map of the Spanish Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures has been recently updated. They are currently 29 infrastructures. The Doñana Biological Reserve (ICTS-RBD) takes part of this map since its creation in 2007. This map is reviewed every four years, when all ICTS must present their results (scientific impact) and strategic plan (2021-2024).

The term Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) refers to facilities, resources or services necessary for the development of cutting-edge research of the highest quality, as well as for knowledge transmission, exchange and preservation, technology transfer and innovation promotion. They are unique or exceptional in their kind, with very high investment, maintenance and operating costs, and whose importance and strategic nature justifies their availability to the entire R&D&I community. ICTS have three fundamental characteristics: they are publicly owned infrastructures, they are unique and they are open to competitive access.

Poster of the Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) (2022): https://www.ciencia.gob.es/InfoGeneralPortal/documento/7326ca42-ce63-42f5-a584-d2011babc3ec

Further info: https://www.ciencia.gob.es/Organismos-y-Centros/Infraestructuras-Cientificas-y-Tecnicas-Singulares-ICTS.html


News News

Open Call for Research Projects in ICTS-Doñana!

The Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure Doñana Biological Reserve (ICTS-Doñana) announces the opening of a call for international research projects in the Doñana Natural Space.

Las altas temperaturas están provocando que las lagunas y las marismas de Doñana pierdan agua rápidamente

La superficie inundada en la marisma es de un 78% pero la profundidad es escasa. Por otra parte, sólo el 1,9% de las lagunas temporales están inundadas. Las precipitaciones crean una oportunidad para la cría de aves acuáticas, pero su éxito dependerá de la duración del agua disponible

Traffic noise causes lifelong harm to baby birds

A study with CSIC participation reveals for the first time that car noise harms individuals throughout their lifetime even years after exposure

Illegal wildlife trade, a serious problem for biodiversity and human health

A research team led by the Doñana BIological Station and the University Pablo de Olavide have detected wild-caught pets in 95% of the localities in the Neotropic and warns of the risk of zoonotic outbreaks

Urbanization and loss of woody vegetation are changing key traits of arthropod communities

Urbanization is favouring smaller beetle species and larger spider species with greater dispersal capacity.

The loss of woody areas is linked to a decline in the duration of the activity period, a higher tolerance to drought, and less dispersal capacity in both groups.