News News

Colony size and foraging range in seabirds

The reasons for variation in group size among animal species remain poorly understood. Using ‘Ashmole’s halo’ hypothesis of food depletion around colonies, authors predict that foraging range imposes a ceiling on the maximum colony size of seabird species.

Spatial distribution of marine predators

Identifying the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of marine predators is essential in order to evaluate their distribution patterns, predict the potential impact of human activities on their populations and design accurate management actions. In this context, using deviance partitioning analyses, authors aimed to determine the degree to which environmental features, prey availability and human activities interact and influence spatial distribution of two marine mesopredator...

Guidelines for classifying Alien Taxa

A comprehensive framework and guidelines for implementing a recently developed method for classifying alien taxa is presented.

Subtle gardeners: inland predators enrich local topsoils and enhance plant growth

Authors investigated during two consecutive breeding seasons the potential enrichment of the topsoils associated with inland ground-nesting eagle owls, as well as its possible consequences in the growth of two common annual grasses in southern Spain.

General versus specific surveys: estimating the suitability of different road-crossing structures for small mammals

The use of wildlife road-crossing structures is less monitored for small mammals than for more emblematic species. Furthermore, because of the undeniable difficulty of small mammal track identification, most biologists usually carry out general surveys without species recognition. Here it is hypothesized that general surveys traditionally used for monitoring WCS by small mammals may be biased because the degraded habitats along roads are mainly used by generalist and not specialist species.