News News

Feeding ecology and trophic relationships of pelagic sharks and billfishes

Large pelagic fishes are top predators inhabiting the water column of the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean. They are highly migratory organisms, and for Ecuadorian fisheries, they also represent important economic resources. Four shark species, Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrinchus, Carcharhinus falciformis and Alopias pelagicus, and 3 billfish species, Xiphias gladius, Istiophorus platypterus and Makaira nigricans were sampled, in order to gain understanding of their feeding ecology and...

Wind and temperature determine Lesser kestrels selection of hunting strategy

Weather conditions determine which is the optimal strategy along the daily cycle for lesser kestrels to select a commuting or a hunting strategy. Using micro-GPS and accelerometers Jesús Hernández-Pliego et al. show how lesser kestrels solve these dilemmas.

Insecticides in wild bird eggs

Recent studies demonstrated that the common pyrethroid insecticides are present in aquatic biota tissues. In this study, 123 samples of unhatched eggs of 16 wild bird species collected from 2010 to 2012 in Doñana National and Natural Park were analysed to determine 13 pyrethroids.

Role of phenology in favoring or limiting biological invasions

Climate similarity favors biological invasion, but a match between seasonality in the novel range and the timing of life cycle events of the invader also influences the outcome of species introduction. Yet, phenology effects on invasion success have generally been neglected. Whether a phenological mismatch limits the non-native range of a globally successful invader, the Ring-necked parakeet, in Europe, was studied.

Individual quality as sensitivity to cysteine availability in a melanin-based honest signalling system

The evolution of honest animal communication is mostly understood through the handicap principle, which is intrinsically dependent on the concept of individual quality: low-quality individuals are prevented from producing high-quality signals because if they did so, they would pay greater production costs than high-quality individuals. Here, an alternative explanation is tested for the black bib size of male house sparrows Passer domesticus, an honest signal of quality whose expression is...