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Content with tag conservation genetics .

Current Iberian lynx population is not genetic viable in the long term

A study of the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC determined that 1100 reproductive females, triple the 2022 census, are needed to guarantee the genetic viability of this species

The Iberian wolf has continued to lose genetic diversity despite its population recovery

A new study led by EBD-CSIC points to the need for a rapid increase and redistribution of the populations on the peninsula to guarantee their survival. The researchers have detected that with the disappearance of the wolf in Sierra Morena, a unique DNA sequence typical of the population that inhabited this area has been lost

The Doñana Biological Station – CSIC participates in an international initiative to describe the genome of all European biodiversity

The European Reference Genome Atlas joins more than 600 researchers from 48 countries in Europe.
The genomic resources will help advance fundamental questions in science, biodiversity conservation, and public health.

The Biological Station of Doñana developes new molecular tools to measure biodiversity in protected areas

Wildlife conservation has focused primarily on species for the last decades. Recently, popular perception and laws have begun to recognize the central importance of genetic diversity in the conservation of biodiversity. How to incorporate genetic diversity in ongoing monitoring and management of wildlife is still an open question.

El CSIC advierte de que la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas alpinos africanos está en extinción por la presión humana

The conservation of tropical montane biodiversity requires a holistic approach, using genetic, ecological and geographic information to understand the effects of environmental changes across temporal scales and simultaneously addressing the impacts of multiple threats. This problem is especially acute in understudied and highly threatened areas like the Ethiopian Highlands, where accelerated land conversion and degradation is placing further pressures on biodiversity.
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