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Current sanitarian regulations are not enough for avian scavengers' conservation

A scientific team has studied how the use of human-origin food resources, such as landfills and intensive livestock farms, by Eurasian griffon vultures can negatively impact their conservation.
These studies have been led by the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC, the University of Sevilla and the University Miguel Hernández of Elche with the collaboration of the University of Lisbon

Protected areas under pressure: the red kite in Doñana National Park

After a period of overfocus on the establishment of reserves, attention is increasingly being devoted to the capability of protected areas to maintain viable populations of endangered species. Here, the trends and reproduction of the red kite Milvus milvus, a highly endangered raptor near-endemic to Europe, are examined to illustrate the dual benefits and challenges faced by a national park to protect this iconic species.