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Content with tag long-distance migration .

Ducks help plants to escape global warming

Ducks are capable of dispersing terrestrial plant seeds during their long-distance spring migrations towards colder destinations. This is crucial for plants, allowing them to move to cooler latitudes to keep pace with climate change. The study has been conducted by an international scientific team with the participation of researchers from the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC.

Winds and barriers shape zigzagged trans-African migrations of Canarian Eleonora’s falcons

A research team led by Doñana Biological Station – CSIC studied how wind fields and geographical barriers shape the trans-African migrations of Eleonora’s falcons between the Canary Islands and Madagascar
The results show that falcons zigzag across Africa because they maximize wind support through oppossing wind fields, across open ocean and across the Sahara, and then compensate for those displacements through weak or favourable wind fields

Are fisheries affecting seabird juvenile survival during the first days at sea?

The study of juvenile migration behaviour of seabird species has been limited so far by the inability to track their movements during long time periods. Foraging and flying skills of young individuals are assumed to be inferior to those of adults. In addition to natural oceanographic effects and intrinsic conditions, incidental seabird harvest by human fisheries is one of the main causes of worldwide seabird population declines. Solar-powered satellite tags were used to track the at-sea...