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Content with tag molecular ecology and genetics .

Ancient intercontinental dispersals of grey wolves according to mitochondrial genomes

In this study the previously proposed hypothesis that extant North American wolves originate from multiple waves of colonization from Asia is tested, along with the hypothesis that land connections have been important in the evolutionary history of other isolated wolf populations in Japan.

Toward a trait-based comparative phylogeography

For three decades, comparative phylogeography has conceptually and methodologically relied on the concordance criterion for providing insights into the historical/biogeographic processes driving population genetic structure and divergence. This emphasis, and the corresponding lack of methods for extracting information about biotic/intrinsic contributions to patterns of genetic variation, may bias our general understanding of the factors driving genetic structure. Specifically, this emphasis...

African and Eurasian golden jackals are distinct species

The results of this study provide consistent and robust evidence that populations of golden jackals from Africa and Eurasia represent distinct monophyletic lineages separated for more than one million years, sufficient to merit formal recognition as different species: C. anthus (African golden wolf) and C. aureus (Eurasian golden jackal).

Conservation threats in native populations of common quail

Postcopulatory sexual selection plays an important role in the reproductive success of males in many species. Differences in fertilization success could affect rates of admixture and genetic introgression between divergent lineages. In this paper, sperm precedence in matings in captivity involving common quails and farm quails of hybrid origin, used in restocking practices to increase hunting bags, has been investigated.

Comparative phylogeography of forest-dependent vertebrates

Pleistocene environmental fluctuations had well-characterized impacts on the patterns of within-species divergences and diversity in temperate habitats. Here authors examined the impact the Pleistocene had on widely distributed forest vertebrates in a tropical system where the distribution of the habitat was affected by those fluctuations.
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