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Content with tag network analysis .

Cross-species transcriptomics uncovers genes underlying genetic accommodation of developmental plasticity in spadefoot toads

A new research from the Doñana Biological Station has compared the transcriptome-wide responses of two species of spadefoot toads with differing capacity for developmental acceleration of their larvae in the face of a shared environmental risk: pond drying. By comparing gene expression profiles over time and performing cross-species network analyses, the research team identified orthologues and functional gene pathways whose environmental sensitivity in expression have diverged between species.

Conceptual structure of Invasion Biology

Since its emergence in the mid-20th century, invasion biology has matured into a productive research field addressing questions of fundamental and applied importance. Not only has the number of empirical studies increased through time, but also has the number of competing, overlapping and, in some cases, contradictory hypotheses about biological invasions. To make these contradictions and redundancies explicit, and to gain insight into the field’s current theoretical structure, a Delphi...