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Content with tag waterfowl .

Urban waterfowl are important seed dispersers for native and alien plants

Researchers analyses the role of mallards and Canada geese in the dispersal of seeds of aquatic and terrestrial plants. This research reveals that, contrary to previously thought, plants that do not have long-distance dispersal mechanisms can reach other habitats via waterfowl.

Waterfowl disperse weeds and alien plants in crops and wetlands, study finds

The study led by the CSIC confirms that greylag geese spread several plant species between different habitats 300 kilometres from their origin.
Scientists have analyzed faecal samples and the movements of this species marked with GPS for the research carried out in Sweden.

Ducks help plants to escape global warming

Ducks are capable of dispersing terrestrial plant seeds during their long-distance spring migrations towards colder destinations. This is crucial for plants, allowing them to move to cooler latitudes to keep pace with climate change. The study has been conducted by an international scientific team with the participation of researchers from the Doñana Biological Station – CSIC.