The Experimental Biology Laboratories constitute a set of facilities and laboratories at the Doñana Biological Station that provide key services and support in research on ecology, evolution and natural processes, by enabling the housing and experimentation with organisms (vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, etc.) under controlled conditions. They allow the collection, processing and analysis of samples and images in a multitude of basic and applied research projects in a wide range of disciplines (aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology, developmental biology, genetics, global change, etc.) both inside and outside the EBD. As a result, the Experimental Biology Laboratories provide the physical and technological infrastructure necessary to carry out cutting-edge research on the drivers of biodiversity and its conservation and maintenance, as well as for the generation and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledges.
Related facilities:
- Animal facility
- Climatic Chambers and Sample Processing Laboratories
- Greenhouses
- Aquatic Ecology Laboratory
- Unit for Image Analysis and Microscopy
Use and access protocol to laboratories (in Spanish)