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Although the EBD does not have a doctoral school nor has the capacity to teach university degrees, CSIC researchers regularly supervise PhD students, both internal and external, tutored by universities.

Each year, about 10 predoctoral researchers defend their theses developed at the Doñana Biological Station. There are state level grants (FPU and FPI) for the development of doctoral theses as well as grants associated with research projects. 

More information at CSIC website

  • Spatial patterns of a Mediterranean endemic palm and its consequences for pollination and seed dispersal..Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Quintero Borrero, Elena
  • Evaluación de la orina como atrayente en programas de seguimiento del lince ibérico.Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Toledo Gonzalez, Bernardo
    Directed by Xavier Picó
  • Ecological and individual factors shaping long-distance movements in a top scavenger: the role of Iberian "Dehesas"..Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Isla Escudero, Jorge
  • Understanding the processes of diversification along the speciation continuum in a.Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)
    Giralt Rueda, Juan Miguel
    Directed by
  • The overlooked dimensions of domestic parrot poaching in the neotropics.Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Urjc)
    Burgos Diaz-Guerra, Tamara
  • Long distance dispersal by migratory birds: from processes to patterns of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    López Ricaurte, Lina
    Directed by Javier Bustamante
  • Impact of landscape anthropization on pathogen transmission dynamics and wild birds health,.Universidade Do Algarve
    Lopes Tavare, Samir
    Directed by Adolfo Marco
  • Efecto de la depredación sobre las puestas y larvas de los anfibios de Doñana.Universidad de Granada
    Vidal Cordero, Jose Manuel
  • Ecología energéticay reproductiva del Lince Ibérico (Lynx pardina Temminck, 1824).Universidad de Oviedo
    Ruiz Villar, Héctor
  • Combining molecular analyses with predictive modelling to study the population history of Iberian cryptic bats.Universiti Malaya
    Firdaus Bin Saarani, Mohamad Azam