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Although the EBD does not have a doctoral school nor has the capacity to teach university degrees, CSIC researchers regularly supervise PhD students, both internal and external, tutored by universities.

Each year, about 10 predoctoral researchers defend their theses developed at the Doñana Biological Station. There are state level grants (FPU and FPI) for the development of doctoral theses as well as grants associated with research projects. 

More information at CSIC website

  • Ecology of plant-animal interactions during plant population expansion processes.Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Isla Escudero, Jorge
    Directed by
  • Super-generalist species in frugivory mutualisms: Ecological interactions and their ecosystems implications.Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Quintero Borrero, Elena
    Directed by
  • Exploring intraspecific variation, habitat differentiation and evolutionary history in Arabidopsis thaliana: a biogeographical approach.Universidad de Sevilla (US)
    Toledo Gonzalez, Bernardo
    Directed by
  • Vegetation-Ungulate Interactions in Heterogenous Mediterranean Environments.Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)
    Giralt Rueda, Juan Miguel
    Directed by
  • Ecología y conservación del gato montés (Felis silvestris silvestris) en un paisaje humanizado.Universidad de Oviedo
    Ruiz Villar, Héctor
    Directed by
  • Efectos del fuego sobre hormigas y otros artrópodos: un estudio a diferentes escalas.Universidad de Granada
    Vidal Cordero, Jose Manuel
    Directed by
  • Chromosomal inversions and common quail diversification in macaronesian archipelagos and the mainland.Universidad de Sevilla
    Ravagni, Sara
    Directed by
  • Comparative Phylogeography of Genus Bandicota, Leopoldamys and Niviventer in Peninsular Malaysia.Universiti Malaya
    Firdaus Bin Saarani, Mohamad Azam
    Directed by
  • Trophic cascades and plant-disperser mutualisms: the effects of a top predator on seed dispersal of Mediterranean plants.Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Urjc)
    Burgos Diaz-Guerra, Tamara
    Directed by
  • Individual strategies and phenotypic plasticity of sea turtles in response to environmental changes: loggerhead turtles nesting in Cabo Verde.Universidade Do Algarve
    Lopes Tavare, Samir
    Directed by