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Diana Alexandra Delgadillo Méndez

Ana Carvajal Maldonado
Responsable Técnico
Responsable Técnico del Animalario y cuidadora de los animales
Responsable Técnico del Laboratorio de Procesados de muestras, Cámaras climáticas
Responsable Residuos peligrosos

Raúl Ortega Lobato
Technical Manager of the BCB lab
Raúl Ortega Lobato holds a degree in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems and has accumulated substantial experience throughout his professional career. Currently, he serves as the technical manager of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology lab at EBD-CSIC. In this role, Raúl has configured and maintained the lab's computing cluster using Kubernetes on the GNU/Linux platform. His responsibilities include planning, establishing, and managing advanced computational infrastructures. He also develops scripts and deploys scientific applications to support research in evolutionary biology and ecology.