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The researchers at the Doñana Biological Station can conduct Master’s Thesis, which is considered a key training activity for the CSIC.

In order to carry out the TFM at the Doñana Biological Station, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Search for a research group or a researcher of interest.
  2. Check if there is already an educational cooperation agreement between your university and CSIC
  3. Contact the external internship office or service of your university in order to fill out and sign the necessary documentation.

Master theses

  • Playing transcriptomic checkers: pigmentation plasticity in spadefoot toad tadpoles.Universidad Pablo de Olvide (UPO)
    López Hervas, Karem Stephania
    Directed by
  • Predation and ¿stress hormones¿: How amphibian larvae respond when their lives are in danger..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Rico Millán, Rafael
    Directed by
  • Response of a Mesocarnivore Community to a New Food Resource: Recognition, Exploitation and Interspecific Competition.Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Sanglas Oliva, Ariadna
    Directed by
  • Temporal and trophic partitioning promote coexistence between mesocarnivores in a Mediterranean landscape.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Ferriro Arias, Iago
    Directed by
  • Causes and consequences of delayed autumn phenology in a nocturnal long-distance migrant.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Hidalgo Rodríguez, Paula
    Directed by
  • Comparación de nicho trófico entre especies de aves exóticas y nativas mediante análisis isotópicos.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Núñez Gutiérrez, Miguel
    Directed by
  • Ecological and individual factors shaping long-distance movements in a top scavenger: the role of Iberian "Dehesas"..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Delgado Delgado, Alejandro
    Directed by
  • Evolución de la agresión entre hermanos de nido en aves.Universidad Pablo de Olvide (UPO)
    Hoyos Manchado, Alba
    Directed by
  • Factores individuales como determinantes del uso de recursos tróficos predecibles por grandes carroñeros especialistas..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Fernández Gómez, Maria Dolores
    Directed by
  • Impact de la pollution sonore générée par des activités de tourisme sur les communautés aviaires.Université D¿Aix-Marseille
    Barrau, Laurie
    Directed by