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The researchers at the Doñana Biological Station can conduct Master’s Thesis, which is considered a key training activity for the CSIC.

In order to carry out the TFM at the Doñana Biological Station, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Search for a research group or a researcher of interest.
  2. Check if there is already an educational cooperation agreement between your university and CSIC
  3. Contact the external internship office or service of your university in order to fill out and sign the necessary documentation.

Master theses

  • Variaciones en la dieta del zorro rojo en cinco zonas diferentes de la Península Ibérica que difieren en paisaje y nivel de antropización.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Hidalgo Garrido, Alejandro
    Directed by
  • Distribution and dynamics of the ecological niche of the Italian crayfish over time in the face of the arrival of two north American crayfish invasive in the Iberian Peninsula.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Soriano Molina, Mª Carmen
    Directed by
  • Evaluación de la capacidad indicadora de las imágenes de Sentinel-2 del estado foliar de los alcornoques centenarios de Doñana.Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Pérez González, Gerard
    Directed by
  • General patterns in the population decline of land mammals.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Alberti Romero, Pablo
    Directed by
  • In search of genetic variants associated with juvenile idiopathic epilepsy in the Iberian lynx..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Mayor Fidalgo, Lucía
    Directed by
  • Morphometric changes in the passerine birds of Doñana..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    López Santiago, Lidia
    Directed by
  • Posible mejora de la calidad de los esias de los parques eólicos gracias a la implantación de normativas específicas para quirópteros..Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
    Moyua González, Nagore
    Directed by
  • Quantifying Cantabrian capercaillie poaching through field interviews.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Sancha Exposito, Esperanza Rocío
    Directed by
  • Quantifying plastic load by non-breeding white storks in the Bay of Cádiz.Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Cano Povedano, Julian
    Directed by
  • Roads facilitate population spreading in ground-nesting European beeeaters..Universidad Pablo Olavide (UPO)
    Suárez Couselo, Miguel Angel
    Directed by